Another Arcadia Online

Quest Reward ②

Take the buried book in your hand. The title was ”The Art of Diversity”.

There is a similar thing called pneumonia, but is it similar? Let's just see how it works.


Split Technique: You Can Increase Yourself (Up to Three Bodies)


Yeah? That's all?

Superior compatibility of Yangtze...... or splendidly this is an anomaly. You mean I'm gonna be a total of four, right? Not if I get a blow from a Yangtze, but this means I'll keep getting more...

Ugh!? This is a real shitty guy!

"Are you sure about that?

"... okay"

Starving ghosts went through a lot of trouble, so it's okay if I get this, right?

The ghost is so hard. The other treasures look hugely expensive when I sell them, but I haven't had any trouble with the money... Yeah. That's fine.

Quickly acquire the technique of separation. And I tried using it.

"Ooh, more miki"

"" "Yahoo" "

I wonder what it is. I'm the one with more tears and creeps......

Try your face again and you'll bust it...... This just makes me less confident...... Do I have to look at this face when I split up? Let's think about it......

"Which one is real?

"Oh, well. I don't know what the real deal is, so can it be a little less expensive?"

This skill is simple and it sucks a lot.

Solve the technique of separation for once.

Yeah, this is not good. No more enemies when I get more...? No, that's narcissistic. Yeah.

"I'm satisfied with such a tiny book! Miki's not greedy!

"That's not true..."

"All, take this, thief!

"No, the thief is Goemon."

"That's what I did!

And, Goemon gives me the golden treasure.

No, not just one? Wasn't it just one? I'll give it back, but can I get it for once?

Does the sensitivity have anything to do with it?

"Anyway, thanks. Save my country."

"Such a big deal."

"No, that ghost was definitely strong. I was the only one who died and this country was crushed. It's not a big deal."

Well, is that what it is?

I don't really feel that way, but I saved one country on this quest... does that mean? I'm kind of glad to hear that.

"That's why I could even borrow it. Call me if you're in trouble! I'll run for you. If it's for Miki!

Goemon has joined us.

Comati has joined us.

Fifteen NPC associates have been reached.

"Special Quest: Starting a Large Circle"

... special quest?

I mean, well. Fourteen of my people, right?

Five angels, right? Heroes are Lancelot, Arthur and Guinevia. Belzebub the Devil, Hermeln the Fantasia, Alice and Dorothy. So, new comati, goemon.

... Oh, maybe the type that goes in Coo Houlin too?

Then convince.

Well, why the comati... leave it alone.

... special quest, hey.