Another Arcadia Online

Let's start something new.

The special quest was over and I stopped doing it, so I was coming to a skill dealership right now to start something new.

After a year, the store is growing and has more skills to handle.

But there's only one skill for my purpose.

"I took farming skills and livestock skills!

I'm going to start raising new chickens and stuff.

Unfortunately, there is no clearance for the first tier of land. So I decided to make it to other layers.

Eighth floor. Make it in the corner of Fairy Country. First I buy the land there, and then I plant the seeds... I'm worried, to be honest. Whether I can be well raised to wither even the morning face of my summer homework......

I plan to grow tomatitu (tomato), potato (potato) and corn (corn). All my favorites.

Potatoes are different though. Instead, I make potatoes because they are worth making because they are more widely used as ingredients. It was a dream. Cook and eat with my vegetables.

So, for livestock, chickens and cows.

The only chickens are eggs. I only bought dairy cows. They don't have a game where cows get hurt and they can't do it. The eggs are also placed at some point so it's just easy to take that. They don't have to clean it. As long as the building stands.

So let's get you up as a token.

The land was purchased in bulk.

He thinks five million was a good buy enough to disappear lightly. Then I buy barns and farming equipment and everything else. There are no convenient vehicles such as tractors in this day and age, so we have to plow them by hand. So it's farming skills.

Heh heh. My farm plan is going...!

"Stand around here."

Ask the carpenter guild to build the building.

They looked surprised when I visited and told this story...

"Sounds like a pretty good dish if the eggs are going to be able to be taken on a regular basis. Looks like you could use some pizza."

I just have to have a stone kiln to do pizza.

"I can take milk regularly and am satisfied. There's more repertoire."

Milk was not sold to the first tier, or something that I didn't know where it was sold.

Dairy cows are sold but there is no milk. It was a strange world. But I don't have time to think about that.

"You can make cream stews and more pancakes...... It's a game, so you don't have to worry about getting fat, and let's eat for real."

The taste settings for this game are turned on.

Drinking potion tastes like cider, and MP potion tastes like coke.

Taste feels bad if food is bad when you turn it on, so it's hard to make sure you don't eat bad food, but you want to eat good food in the game.

"And then there's the name of the farm..."

The farm could have been named after the size of the area of this field.

I guess you can name a ○ ○ farm or something. Normally. Hmm. I don't even taste like Miki Farm.

"Mi 'O Farm... no, it's not safe."

Name, what is it?