Another Arcadia Online

There's a war...

This war setter.

I made a prediction that maybe. I mean, you were right.

"Miki, it's a challenge from us."

And, the paperwork can be thrown.

There it was written Guardian of the Alliance Spirit vs Country. The leader of this war is Chillin. Apparently it's a challenge to me.

... Nah, I see.

"A challenge... Okay, I get it."

"That's what Miki! I mean it. I mean it. I mean it."

Apparently, the only other person is the Spirit Guardian.

They say I deal with them alone. But Master Soo, Marya, Marshmallows are missing. Exactly, Master Thou, if they bring you here, you lose. Because I won't beat you up.

I guess I took that into account.

"Just chillin. I don't want you to forget, because what you've done to your country adds three cheats, right?

"... what?

Moment after moment, passing beside me was the brave Izul.

He is poking a knife at Chillin's neck. It's not like we're doing anything for the war either. I got a good workout. Thanks to this, I have cheetah strength.

Even I struggled. I'm sorry to say this, but I don't think Chillin can handle it.

"... now is the time to surrender."

"... Hey, can I surrender?

Everyone stumbled on.

Chillin was seated at the front.

"It is... I didn't think brave men were trained like that."

"You're an idiot. Didn't you predict that I'd soon notice the problems in this country?

There was no strong guy in this country.

That's why it's easy, though they said. A brave man with cheetah strength has been able to do it. So the difficulty would have increased dramatically.

The chillins were quick as well.

"If it's a letter of challenge to me, don't do anything else. Mr. Strength told me someone was going to wage war, so I asked Master Altena to work out for me. Too much planning."

Master Tu and Marya log in as they preach.

And it was solidifying when I saw us.

"What happened?

"It's a little bit of a problem."

Explain it to both of you.

Master Tu had a bitter laugh and Marya was sighing. Looks like neither of us knew about the war. I was wondering if maybe you were connected in the back...

No, I thought Master Tu would still know Marya.



"Well, you really can't win if there's people out there like Miki"

'Cause I'm beating those three.'


"Put it together and deal with them"


Everyone shut up.

Damn. But well, war avoids......

.................. hmm?

"Hey, did I tell you outside about waging a war?

"No, I didn't say it. Everybody?"

Everyone shakes their heads to the side.

That's weird.

"Were you visiting or something when we were talking?

"No, you know the NPC will call you when the visitors arrive, but no one came to call you."

...... weird.

Then why? How did Mr. Strength... know there would be a war?