Another Arcadia Online

opposite world

I'm searching with Oz but there's no sign I'll ever find him.

Is it really there? And it makes me suspicious. I thought I'd be able to find it this time because I'm pretty good at finding it. Can't you do that?

I decided to go down to Wano Country and take a break once.

Go to the place where it says sweet spot and order the dough.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't know if Misato dough is my favorite. That soy sauce is tear-free. It's good. I super prefer dumplings that have a little sauce entangled in the mochi dough.

"Come on over and have a look! How about a kettle?

Someone opened the bathroom in front of me and did business with me.

He noticed how this one was looking at the dough while eating it. Grab the kettle and come closer.

"Ladies eating the dough there! How about this pot? I'll keep it cheap for now!

"No, I'm in time..."

"Don't say that! What do you say!

And he's attacking me goofy.

No, yeah, it's hard to say no... I'm vulnerable to pushing...... It's not a lot of money anyway, and I guess I'll keep it in the event all the time.

"Okay, I'll buy it. How much?"

"Cheaper, 3000 gold, I guess!

"Then no. Buy"

I bought a pot of mystery.

It was then.

"So, bye! Goodbye!"

The man rushes away.

And the kettle moved out on its own. Oh, what? What begins!?

The kettle turns its mouth to us. And we were sucked into the pot.

Kikupon. And, making a pleasant noise, the kettle warped off somewhere.

Event Quest: Starting Distopia in the Kettle

I wonder where we are.

I was in the meadow when I woke up. I should have been sucked into the pot...... Does this mean it's in the pot?

Next door is Oz sleeping. Just the two of us made me put it in this pot, you should think... I'm worried about that announcement.


Distopia is the opposite of utopia, or ideal place, a world in which dignity as a person is denied. Although control is in place.

You can think of it as the true opposite of the ideal.

"There is no particular change in status. I don't have any skills I can't use. I don't know if that means he's been thrown out in the pot like this."

I checked my belongings all the time and nothing seemed particularly unusual.


Oz wakes up.

"Where am I?

"I don't know. In the meantime, look in the city?

"Right. If you don't listen to me, you won't know. Let's hear it."

Oz flies through the sky.

I flew in the sky too and headed to find the city.