Another Arcadia Online

Reaper Sati ②

I think I got some hell of a quest.

Reaper Satti. It could be a pretty shitty category in terms of strength. Is it because he is a god even if he rots...... and let's just move on with the quest.

"I want Miki to hunt for me. The monsters have done this!

and is handed a piece of paper.

All it says there are rare monsters. Iwatobiyakkal or something...... I wonder where you are. Because I don't really understand the distribution of monsters.

That's about as good as Iwatobi, so he seems to be near the rocks...

"You're too much of a solder! Because if you can get it down, you'll see how it's done!


"I'm here, so if you say so!

"Yes, sir."

I fly into the sky and head to Master Altena first.

Master Altena was watching the lower realm. I'll interrupt there and ask where this monster is.

"Ivatobi Jackal is mostly in the land of beasts. They say you're building an address on a rock near the bears' seaside. Is that Sati's help? Then I'll write down the demon's address on paper."

It helps.

I decided to head to the land of beasts as soon as possible.

cold. Weave a coat from It's just a snowy country all year round, and the cold is a first-class product. Is the temperature negative? It doesn't seem to mean absolutely zero degrees.

Ugh, Sabu.

Iwatobi Jackal was probably at sea or something. Though I heard you use the rock there as a residence or something. I don't think I have anything to do with it.

Down to the beach of the sea. The time now is night. Time for Jackal to get active......

Then I hear a howl.

I might be close by. In the meantime, I decided to use something called demon attraction incense. This is what Master So told me he had failed. I honestly didn't want to attract demons so I didn't use them but do I use them here......

As soon as I hit the incense, the demon appeared. Helmarines of fish demons and ivatobi jackals pop out of the shadows of the rocks.

Purpose discovery. I unleashed spiritual magic and ended it with one shot. Then, at death, Iwatobi Jackal can roar "waaaaaaaaaaan". and Iwatobi Jackal appears one after the other.

Do you have the habit of acting in flocks? I mean, a lot, huh? Rare, isn't it? I'm leaving... Is this what you're doing?

Did you call your buddies? As I stood up to fight, an intruder appeared.


The intruder kicks Iwatobi Jackal.

Pig Demon......? I wonder if it's close to pigs. The way you go by killing the swarm Iwatobi Jackal with your fangs. I have a bad feeling about this.

In the meantime, why don't we do an appraisal?


Reigning King Behemoth the Pork Lv. 300


Ah. What is this? Not bad?

Miki ran into a legendary boss.

The Legendary Boss will be released.