Another Arcadia Online

Reaper Sati ⑤

My weapon is a knife.

Physics is strong because the power is high now. Of course, I've never swung a knife in my entire life, and there's no guarantee I can handle it well because there's nothing aided by skills, but I practiced and simulated. So I think we can do something about it.

Why a knife? It's decided because it's cool. It's not a hammer or a wielding pattern, and I thought a sword would be nice, but that's a lot of knights, isn't it? I don't wear armor, so don't wear a sword. So, what do you have, a knife? That one the samurai use a lot.

Awkward is a vagrant...... I am a swordsman. It's not a reverse blade knife.


And, Kaiser Kong jumps high in heaven.

And he tries to smash me with a big hand hammer. Not really! If you're as fast as you are, you can avoid it at your leisure!

I jump behind the fallen Kaiser Kong and slay him as he is.

Now that you have converted for a high Magic Attack Power, your Attack Power can be considerable.


"I figured out how to do it for now"

Just hang up. That's all. Attacks would be a relatively easy category to hit because there are also large gaps. If this is what a field hovering boss looks like, I can afford to go.

I set up a knife and cut Kaiser Kong.

Kaiser Kong's health is diminishing.

The strategy was easy, but the worst part is the continuous attack. I couldn't avoid it. It hit me a few times.

They grabbed me, threw me upstairs and judged me down, but I didn't hear a rush from there. When I hit it, the down was released, but I couldn't use my flying skills because I'm in the middle of hitting it in the air and...

Finally halved. It was then.


and drumming, banging the ground.

At that moment, the ground collapsed.

A ground crack occurs and the ground collapses. I fell to the bottom of the earth as if caught in it. There is no damage determination on me when I fall to the bottom of the blood. Could it mean moving the stage?

I just look up and there's the sky and there's a cliff.

It's going to be hard to get up there, too. I don't have a problem with flying skills though.

"Well, gorillas. Shall we?"


At that moment, Kaiser Kong moves right in front of me in an instant.

And the right straight of my whole body was decided on me. My health has been cut by 40%. It was expensive because it's converting. I thought it had a pretty good defense because the magic defense is defensive but will it be sharpened so far......

It felt like a special attack right now, though.

"It's gonna be my win.” Conversion ""

Undo my status.

Well, I won't flatter you.

Gorilla took the stand to be straight to the right. Brilliant clean hit on my stomach. My health went to zero.

And at the same time, it uses mismatched heaven.


The gorilla fell and I came back to life.