Another Arcadia Online

The truth about the world ②

"What about that heart?

Yes, the old man asks.

"People follow ideals. In other words, this refers to the ideal home. People have aspired to be ideal places. This world is the ideal home of Arcadia. It has been considered a world packed with all ideals. but people can't find it when they look for their ideals. It is this ideal town that supports the ideal town of Arcadia. Those who noticed it made the city near their ideal home. This world today is on the extension of that world."

That's what I explain.

That book of truth. It said this world was an ideal place. Until then, I was predictable, too. That is why I came to this conclusion.

People are a world without ideals. I was in distopia. I wanted to get out of there and crossed the world. Those who reached the ideal place talked differently, despaired, but they made the city around them, saying that there was an ideal place within the ideal town of Arcadia. That's just it.

To them this world is not the real world, this is the truth of the world. Benom, the man's purpose is to return them to their original world, that would be the case.

Break this ideal home and lose it. They will return to their original world, overflowing with disillusionment. Benom was after it. Better get back to the original world, we'll open our own world, I guess.

Now you can imagine what Benom did with that seal. Benom sealed it because God was in the way. I'm sure God will try not to let you break your ideal home. Master Altena is people-friendly, so I can predict interfering. I sealed it to keep you from doing it. I guess this is the place. Simple reasoning, though.

"Those who live in this world are inhabitants of a different world. That's why I shouldn't be there...... You mean."

"Exactly. This world isn't their world, it's ours. Originally, there was not a single human being in this world. No, humans evolved and changed into angels, beasts, demons, etc. No one in this world is pure."

No goemon, no comati, no arthur, no lancelot, no vinevia, no coughlin. Same goes for Harmeln and Alice and Dorothy.

Humans are not inhabitants of this world.

I mean, you can choose to either live in this world or you can attribute it to the original world.

I... which one should I choose?

No, it's settled. I am hostile to Benom. It doesn't mean breaking the relationship the Goemons have built.

I'm not from this world, because all the history I've made is real. A pure honest thing that's not a niceties thing.

People come because they have ideals. It's an ideal place, so you won't have a choice. It's only natural that they want ideals because it's an ideal home. People are satisfied, and there are no objections.

Let's give Benom an answer.

I don't know where you are???