Another Arcadia Online

Disaster ⑥

If you say so, the final showdown.

The battle of the gods was incandescent. Mutual even if Master Carli and Master Ortena put together. No, it felt slightly inferior. We joined, but the attack is terrible, and it's been done except for me and Lotto.


Almost there, I'll cut all my health. I should be able to.

But tough. No longer, the stamina was out. I can't even afford to wear it out. How many hours would you have fought? I don't even know that, but I want to win.

And Benom turned to me. I can't even move my legs.

Are you tired...... I wonder if he was playing pretty serious about getting tired in the game...... Shit. I don't feel comfortable. I've lost enough strength. Though I thought you were quite physically fit...

And Benom stood up to me and waved his legs down...

But it never hit.

Lotto is defending me in front of me. I endured it with a shield.



and is desperately prevented by a small shield.

... Helpful. But not yet. I might have been weak. If you don't have the strength, you can make it. We have to cross the limit.

I breathe deeply.

"... All right"

I unleashed spiritual magic on my other foreleg.

Landing and bursting. Benom's leg was burning, and Lotto was pushing it back with a shield to see if the force of stepping on his leg had weakened.


"Ha... this could be our last attack."

Benom also has little health left. but that was the same here.

If we can't cut it off with this, we'll probably lose. At least, I could be dead. I can only count with my fingers what monsters and people have done to me so far, but at least the defeat here will be something to my heart. So, win.

"Last attack! Tatami!"

Following my decree, the Lottos approach.

Attack the weak abdomen. Your strength is diminishing as you look around, and you take another breath. I can. I can. It's okay. It's only through adversity that we can be strong. So I'm sure, it's okay.

But it ended very differently than I expected.

Benom has risen.

One more time, you can win if you attack. That's when I got up. And jump up big. Benom was dancing in heaven and looking down at us.

'I've never been pushed this far... One more time. If you take it, you'll die. So take my last glimpse! If this fails and someone survives, I will gladly defeat'

And I'm storing something in my mouth.

A black flame was swirling in my mouth. That's not the first flame I did. But I have a bad feeling about it.

Not good. If you don't run...

That's how my instincts worked. But where do we escape? Endless wilderness. There is no place to evacuate such as a cave. There's no way to avoid it now that we can't even use the promised land.

Spiritualization, fogging, after already using it. I can't use it. Where do we run?

"Oh no! Ortena! Run to the other side of the horizon and run! This whole place is gonna die!

"Roger! You can't just hold three people!? I can only do it if I'm as small as Carli..."

Ortena has fast legs. It would be the soul dare to run away with it.

At least I want Carli and the others to get away with it.

"Carli. Ortena. Say."


"I'm fine. Die."

You have to come back to life anyway. Besides, I might find some way to break through.

"Kuru is good!

and Benom launched its black flame high in heaven.

Something about the size of the moon fell.