Another Arcadia Online

Bulletin board times

[A2O] Finish the disaster!!

1. Unnamed Player

Seriously, it was hard! I'm not with the boss, but suddenly I'm surprised the sweep started! The monster was so strong, and he died so many times!

2. Unnamed Player

The first tier is fine, but after the second tier, it's tough to win defense.

3. Unnamed Player

It's over there in the first tier area that you squirrel... I mean, it's gonna take a while to get there.

4. Unnamed Player

We just have to thank the brave! The seventh tier was easier thanks to the brave cheats.

5. Unnamed Player

> > 4

Fine. Most brave men from different worlds have cheats.

6. Unnamed Player

The first layer was also heaven in a way! Goddamn vinevia tits! I couldn't defeat you with my best demon!

7. Unnamed Player

> > 6

If you're knocking him down, it's a case. You're gonna get caught.

8. Unnamed Player


9. Unnamed Player

If it's hoarding, you better get it out.

10. Unnamed Player

Hey, it's news!

11. Unnamed Player

What the fuck?

12. Unnamed Player

He's in Miki's guild, isn't he?

13. Unnamed Player

Oh, that guy who took the unpopular alchemist. That guy's always a hood, and what do you care about the alchemy, so he gets up on the subject every once in a while, but what's up with thu?

14. Unnamed Player

She was a super famous actress!

15. Unnamed Player

> > 14

Learn more

16. Unnamed Player

All of a sudden, a guy named Thou went up on the fountain in Fountain Square and took off his hood! What if I did? She was born Mano! I'm a fan! We're playing the same game! It's the same place, Hiccup! He was slaughtering monsters for Mano, surrounded by the exuberance that

17. Unnamed Player

Fine. If I'm gonna die too, I want to die for Mano.

18. Unnamed Player

Speaking of which, Mano, I heard you were all crazy about fans, but you're serious.

19. Unnamed Player

> > 18

Hey, PN, tell me, or I'll go PK you.

20. Unnamed Player

> > 19

I'll give you a hand.

21. Unnamed Player

Thus > > 18 became a person who would not return

22. Unnamed Player

But thanks to Mano, the morale in the first area has been greatly enhanced. The effect of the popular actress was amazing, and there was a model next door, Mayu Aya, and it was only Eye Bliss.

23. Unnamed Player

Ku...... I wanted to protect you too

24. Unnamed Player

Mano, that's too cute.

Even if it was an idol, it would go through, and if it was an idol, I'd stick millions in the goods.

25. Unnamed Player

Do it naturally.

26. Unnamed Player

It was a pleasure to meet Mano in the game. They called me by my real name after it was over.

27. Unnamed Player

He was happy to shake your hand.

28. Unnamed Player

I had him say "I love it" in my ear! You can die now. Uh, I can already welcome PK at my leisure. I'm confident I can forgive you now if I get PK.

29. Unnamed Player

You're talking about Mano in every sleigh.

30. Unnamed Player

That's Mano, isn't it? It's weirder if we don't talk about it.

31. Sooooooooo

Ma'am, Mano was logged in, so...?

32. Unnamed Player

> > 31

MVP Taken

33. Shh, shh.

> > 18

Tell me your name. I'm going to PK it, Cora.

34. Unnamed Player

Are you a fan of Miki too...

35. Mercenaries of the Guardian of the Spirit

And it's so beefy. I'll meet you with Mano six hours ago.

36. Unnamed Player

> > 35

Yep...... just too beefy

37. Unnamed Player

You deserve to be a fan, Mano.

38. Unnamed Player

Miki is also a fan's book after all y... hang on. Meet me? In the game?

39. Mercenaries of the Guardian of the Spirit

> > 38

In real life. Sometimes I come home.

40. Unnamed Player

Back mountain!

41. Unnamed Player

Is Miki an amazing friend in real life? You're so real, but you're a friend...

42. Unnamed Player

I don't know, Mano. Fans and rinses. I hear the folklore is tremendous.

43. Shh, shh.

Mano may grieve because of us. Fans who don't protect their manners hurt Mano.

44. Unnamed Player

The idea is splendid.

45. Unnamed Player

You're just too deeply in love with Mano... I'll protect you from folks, but you're crazy.

46. Unnamed Player

I mean, I'll undo it from Mano, but it's a disaster. That was seriously bad.

47. Unnamed Player

You're really back all of a sudden.

48. Shh, shh.

I honestly thought we'd lose the Battle of Benom.

49. Unnamed Player

We can't beat someone who might even beat Miki.

50. Unnamed Player

You said true end or something. Rumor has it that the world will evolve one step at a time, and why did Benom try to destroy the world in the first place?

51. Mercenaries of the Guardian of the Spirit

I don't know.

52. Shh, shh.

They didn't originally have humans in that world.

53. Unnamed Player


54. Unnamed Player

Wait, wait, wait. Wasn't there a human in that world? Then why are there humans? Isn't that strange?

55. Soo-soo

I'll explain that, but first you know that the world, Arcadia, is the ideal place, right?

56. Unnamed Player

> > 55

Wait, wait, wait.

57. Unnamed Player

That was my ideal home...

58. Shh, shh.

People went for the ideal place. And I arrived. People decided to live in that world, but they have nowhere to live. Then I felt like pushing out other creatures, and I got angry that it had become more and more a world away from the original world.

59. Unnamed Player

That would make me angry.

You're more of a human being.

60. Soo-soo

That's why he decided to destroy his ideal home so people wouldn't be around. It was all about losing people's places.

61. Unnamed Player

Humans were bad, too. Benom's a little pathetic, too.

62. Unnamed Player

You didn't have to hurt those demons if you just lost your place, did you? Aren't you talking about how you should have destroyed only your ideal home?

63. Mercenaries of the Guardian of the Spirit

That was just harnessed by Benom's genuine magic or something. He knew about it, but I think it's gonna work out.

64. Unnamed Player


65. Shh, shh.

I'm really tired. I'm going to bed.

66. Unnamed Player

> > 65

Goodnight! Sweet dreams!