Another Arcadia Online

Let's find out.

"Miki! Don't tell me you're lying!

I came to this world and a word from Chile was that.

I thought I'd tell you, but it was funny, so I lied pretty bullshit.

"Go up, go down, go up, go down. Left, right, left, right, B, A is the Konami command!

"I did it seriously."

"Bee, I did it before! Think it's crazy!

The sight of doing something seems surreal.

Chillin was so angry. I'm really sorry, huh?

"I'm sorry. I wanted to make fun of you."


'Cause I'm gonna luxury you with something in real life.'


Kind of.

"Mr. Galilee, I'll give you the luxury."

"The easy one...... I'll forgive you at Hagen Oates."

"I can't help it"

Hagen Oates is so expensive though.

Galliga ○ You are quite good at eating after being cheap, so what do you care? I love tea. I've only eaten soda flavors.

"... so this is the ninth level?

"Yeah. Count Kainazzo in the village of Kref, in the Kingdom of Spreich...... that, I feel different, but he said he managed to make it into Count territory"

"Sounds like an idyllic village, but really the ninth tier?

Nothing in particular has changed with the idyllic from what I've seen.

I'd like to find a base for now...... Is there a lodging? I'd like to be based there first if there is one. I don't know where the safety area is.

It's a different taste than before.

There won't be an ideal home. Maybe. Some king has been involved before, but the king doesn't seem to have anything to do with this.

Is it another world in the Ninth Floor area?

"We need to explore it for now. Split up."


Me and Chillin decided to split up second-hand and resume gathering information.

The village of Clef is truly idyllic and can also be seen with those who plow the fields. In the meantime, I'll look into it...

I want to go to another village for now. Do you want to ask if I can do it?

"I'm sorry."

Call one of the NPCs out loud.

My grandfather, who was waving a swing, stopped and approached me.

"What's the matter?

"Is the next village close to here?"

"I don't know. There's a neighboring village about half an hour on foot."

"That's right. So how long does the king's capital take?

It's a week's ride.

"Thank you"

A week in the carriage? That's a long way off.

You might want to go to the next village first and gather information in the next village as well. I can go, which means that the ninth floor is not the only village here.

However, then there is one anxiety.

"This hierarchy, this whole world is that hierarchy, isn't it?