Another Arcadia Online

Before Tu's Adventurer Registration


"Mother, where...!

I wish I could bring back memories of when I was little when I was in a carriage like this. Was there a line like this when I was in elementary school as a girl being taken by a kidnapper?

The story was taken by the kidnapper. The girl was neither taken by her parents nor raised by the kidnapper. There are so many crime specialists around, so much knowledge. I did that childhood role with the drama that she solves difficult cases...

"You used to do it to please your mother, but now you feel like you're doing it because it's fun."

I used to want to stop, but now I want to do more because I grew up?


It got pretty funny when I remember the old days.

I couldn't have been in elementary school or any of my friends. Everyone was treating me like a special kid. I still do, but I have Miki now.

"Lady, you're in a good mood."


"Did something good happen?"

"... I wonder if there was"

That's what the merchant asked as he manipulated the horse.

Good thing...... I think. What about your own growth? Yeah. I'm sure it's a good thing.

"Well, you can see the king's capital."


There was a wall in front of me, and a gate.

Big. The gate is huge......! Is Wang Du such a big deal! Wow. Nice.

"Yes, your daughter's toll"

"Heh? Is that okay?

"That's Mr. Yuri's favor. Besides, I have quite a bit of money as a merchant. Tolls are a lot of money."

"Thank you!

I feel like I've just come to this world and been helped.

Thanks. Helping each other is great......!

I had a merchant take me down to Adventurer Alliance headquarters.

And the merchant man leaves. I walked into the Adventurer Alliance after I dropped him off. Big. I also saw a sign that there were quite a few contact points and the registration was here.

I line up to register. There were quite a line of people who wanted to be adventurers.

"Is Adventurer an admirable profession?

And when I whine, a heavily warrior-style man stands beside me.

"That's right. Because it's romantic."

"... what about you?

"Me? I'm the A-rank adventurer Azchi."

Mr. Azchi...... I have a rank system. For adventurers. And romantic?

"Adventurers say things because of their strength. The stronger you get, the more money you get. And vice versa."

"Oh, I see"

That I don't have any money, at least while I'm weak.

But if you get strong, you can get rich. That's the kind of romance I have. Maybe it's because I think being strong can also do a lot of good offices and earn money.

Do you really have a romance?

"You're strong."

"... is that right?

"I get it. I feel the atmosphere. And strange signs."

Strange signs?

"It's heterogeneous with magic... but you have powers similar to magic?

"... Ah, the Spirit Magic thing"

"... Spirit?

"Oh, you know what?"

"The Spirit!?

And the man grabs my shoulder.


"What's wrong with the Spirit...?

"You mean the Spirit is helping! You're amazing! The spirits are whimsical and rarely help!

Uh, that's the thing.

There is nothing in this world that draws strength from the Spirit. Well, that's more or less what the world looks like over there...

"I see! I've got my doubts solved. A spiritual wizard? I'd rather be a court magician than an adventurer."

"The court magician?

"It's a group of wizards dedicated to the country. There's only one spirit wizard in this country."

Hmm. I hear Spirit Witchcraft is better than that world over there. There wasn't a single person in the world over there...

"Well, if your daughter's fine this way, I'm not stopping you! You have to be strong!

And they encouraged me.