Another Arcadia Online

Exploring the Night •

Lucifer was hanging out with the Eternal Dead.

Raphael also attacked with holy water, and Gabriel was desperately flying bills. Eternal Dead is still pimping.

Are you retarded? I was eating a stall with Lucifer.

"That's Immortal (undead). I didn't know you could stand up to me with your strength."

Lucifer laughed invincibly.

And that's when Raphael and Gabriel suddenly fell. He didn't even know he was behind it. He was attacked.

I put restorative magic on Gabriel and Rafael.

"You weren't alone...! Raphael, Gabriel! Deal with each of them!

"Wow, I get it"

"Do you have enough bills?"

Raphael sprinkles holy water. Raphael, who manipulates the water, has holy water. Gabrielle seems to use the bills to get away with it. Lucifer lets the sword put light together.

I'm a recovery officer. Attack? I decided to leave it to the Lucifers.



Raphael sprayed the holy water vigorously. The undead melts. Is holy water powerful, Raphael soon finished dealing with him? but Gabriel is still fighting.

He's fleeing while flying bills. It was Gabrielle attacking a little bit. But you're tired of doing it too. Stop. And stood big as if throwing a ball of baseball.

"It's so hard already!

And I threw the book at him. When thick books hit the undead, the undead turns into dust and disappears. The book was gone.

"The Bible I wrote has disappeared, but you're fine!

Gabriel was an outgoing mess. Apparently that book was biblical. The Bible also has the effect of making the undead a Buddha. Is it because it is the Bible?

"No other love either!

Lucifer grinds away Eternal Dead's leg with his leg.

You lost your balance, you fell on the spot. And Lucifer stabbed him with a thoughtful sword. The Eternal Dead said, "Ohh......!" He summons and disappears.

You were a surprisingly easy enemy. approaching Lucifer with the thought, and uttering words of labor.


"Thank you. Lord."

There is also the question of whether we can really win this light. but the boss did disappear. That's it... there's no way.

Rafael and Gabriel are looking a little strange.

They suddenly glowed.


Scream painfully.

The two rise to the universe. And when the light subsided, the two wings were getting big and I could feel some grown-up atmosphere.

"... What's got into you"

"... evolution, sounds like it"


Gabriel and Rafael were delighted.

She also grew taller as if her child had grown up. I am about the same height as Lucifer. I'm about 159 tall, and I'm about one more thing different. You were supposed to be as tall as me......

When I appraised them, their names had changed slightly.

”Gabriel the Great" and ”Raphael the Great”. The michaels were angels, but they evolved more than that. Do you feel like such an adult......


"You did it"

They are delighted.

Then, suddenly, the door opened.

"It's over!

And, Mikael comes in. And Mikael turned to Gabriel.


"Mikael, no"

Mikael is surprised by the grown Gabriel.

I was comparing Rafael, Gabriel and Lucifer.

"Hey, why are you getting so big!?

"I evolved to become a great angel. Dodo."


Mikael saw himself.

Mikael hasn't evolved, and the atmosphere feels like he's still in high school. I don't know why I evolved, maybe because I dealt with the Eternal Dead......

"... Lucifer is evolving too?

"I didn't. I guess I won't do more than be a fallen angel."

"... but I want to grow up soon too!

And I noticed someone behind Mikael.

I'm smiling and laughing when I see Mikael.

"Mikael, who's behind you?

"I'm a vampire vampire."


"I can't believe you have two great angels. I don't want to turn them around."

"... just the two of us"

Mikael was messing around a little.