Another Arcadia Online

Exploration at night ⑤

The night has dawned.

The vampire, Vanby, pulled into the dark like it was bedtime. I guess I'm vulnerable to sunlight because I'm a vampire.

So, when we go outside, Uriel's waving. Behind it were the crying children and their mothers.

I go closer to Uriel.

"Thank you so much! Please help our son..."

The other two women also bow their heads.

I was scared, to be honest. But I don't think I messed up too much this time. Maybe I won't panic that much if I really have to protect you.

"No. I'm fine. 'Cause I was slow to pull it off, too, so I have a cause."

The mothers of the boys raise their heads.

And he came near me. Close......

"What's your name?

"Mi, miki, it's"

"Mr. Miki. Thank you. I'd love to thank you, so I'd love to come to my house next time..."

"Oh, no, thank you is fine."

"Let me! Even this idiot son is my dear son so...... I'm relieved to think you'd be dead if you were bad."

It was said.

True, if it had been just the kids like that, they would have died. Because of an undead called Eternal Dead.

No, I didn't think I'd meet something like that on a liver test either...

"Then could you lend me some money? I need to buy something."

"You don't have to give it back. I'll play it for you."

"No, I'll give it back properly. If you want to make money, you can always make money."

You're an adventurer, and if you did the right request, you'd be able to afford it. So I don't have that much trouble with money.

"It's really nice to thank you. One thing I can tell you is, don't let the kids risk it."

"Okay. I'll educate you properly."

And I still come close to the crying children. And he gave me a fist fix. To the three of us. The kids cried extra.

"Your sisters are dying because you're impotent. Think carefully about what lies ahead. Remember, your cheap behavior hurts someone."


"The sermon is over. Look, I'm going home."

I stroked the boys for you.

I hope this punishes you. Nevertheless, I'm glad my parents are usually good people. If it's bad, it's called a monster pair. Some parents complain that they were hurt because of my actions. I didn't do anything, and I'd rather be... I used to think so.

I don't really like other people's parents.

And the boys left.

Uriel looks to the side.

"... Dear Miki. Who are those guys?

and Uriel puts his fingers on Gabriel and Raphael.

It's Gabriel and Rafael.

"... haven't you grown? It kind of seems like an adult for a long time."

"I grew up. A lot."

"...... nice! I'm going to get a lot of work done when I get like that!

You already have the guts to work, Uriel...

I think it's a boulder around becoming a work brain.

"... Uriel. I'm left behind, too. Let's get along."


I kind of see signs of lilies. Don't mix with the men's lilies. No, I'm not a boy...

... It's not like he's a boy because he doesn't have breasts. She doesn't have breasts, but she's a girl. Don't decide if a woman is a man with or without breasts.