Another Arcadia Online

Visit to Wangdu Guild ②

I was led to the guild's reception room.

Sip the tea. I wonder why I'm here.

"Dear Artena, What can I do for you today?

Oh, Master Altena's use.

I'm sure Count Carios wrote that in his letter. It's nothing like that. Well, no. I like being treated well. No, you can't even be sweet about the treatment...

"No, I didn't think I was gonna ask for anything."

"... are you having trouble with your money?

"Well, is that what it feels like?

Though I'm not in a hurry for money.

But I want money that I can borrow from the inn. Because I can't base Count Carios' mansion forever......

Though I don't think it would be such a delicious request because it is E-rank.

"Then we will support you in the guild"

"... no, that's fine"

"What are you talking about? Artena's use is closest to Artena's. If you're in trouble, I'll help you."

"Because I can make money normally...... I'd like to receive a request with a high prize if you don't mind."


The guild chief was thinking of something.

I had him bring me some paperwork. And it turns peppery.

"When the prize money is high, all you have to do is ask for a high rank, is it okay?"

"Right...... Fine."

"So what about this? The quest for" haunted mansion. "

Haunted Mansion?

"There was a haunting or undead gushing in the mansion inside the king's capital. Besides, the boss is an A-class demon named Eternal Dead. I don't have that much strength, but I don't want to do it because my physical system is so great and my magic tolerance is so great..."

... I'm already doing that.

Is Haunted Mansion that mansion? You were on that mansion quest...

"I crusaded yesterday."

"... I didn't know you were crusading anymore. Then we'll take the prize money..."

"... then that would be appreciated"

Receive it as if you received it before.

I would have made it easier because I'd already knocked him down, but if I hadn't, I would never have taken it. Horror doesn't work. I only recovered then.

I received 200,000 arte of the prize money.

"Can I take anything else?

"I guess I'll take it. Can I get you anything?

"Then... what's a slime of slam?

What's that?

"They say there's a big slime in the slam that attacks and eats people at night. At first, it was a D-rank request, but my physics didn't work on the slime, and my health was ridiculously high, so I ran away. And then I couldn't defeat anyone... It's a slum, so the country doesn't move, and there's still no damage in the slums, so we're dealing with it in the Adventurer's Guild."

He said the country won't move because it's a slum city... Slam is one of my own countries, I suppose.

Slime. Slime's fine. However, when physics doesn't work, Chillin is totally luggage... I think I'll take you with me, Master Thou.

"Then let's do that. Can I get a map of Slam Street and then a map of the library?

"Do you even look into it? I get it. Please wait while we prepare."

Slime, hey.