Another Arcadia Online

I have a boyfriend!

Tiamo is in arms with me.

Why did this happen...... Tiamo is smiling happily. Why does this kid seem so happy...... Marshmallows felt more like Lyke than Love in the way they admire him, but this kid is totally Love......

"Seniors, do you have experience?

"" "Buffoo" "

Me, Chillin and Master Thou blew it out.

What are you talking about all of a sudden? This girl! Experience... is that it!? Sexual relations!?

"No! She's a virgin. Me!

"Yes, it's an experience with men and women."

That way!

No, well, I don't either... Stop. If you're talking about dating a man or a woman, say so. You've got our impure side.

"But if you've never been with me, I'm the first! For the first time in my senior year, I'll have it!

I know that means I'm new to socializing, but I'm not a man or a woman, and I'm not the first to be okay.

Um, come on, seriously, all I can say is this kid's obnoxious way... For the first time...... that, because I'm going to dedicate it to a decent boy. Girls are a little...

"No, because I'm normal..."

"What a child... Kind of scary."

"I know you're just scared because you're still other HR, but if you're in Miki's shoes, you're already more than scared..."

This kid's scared! Really help me! I'm not listening!?

"Oh, I'm sorry! I have a boyfriend!

"... what?

That sharpened Tiamo's eyes.

It has eyes like hunting for prey. Scary. Um, seriously, I'm scared.

"Who is it? Tell me. I'm going to kill you."


Yandere!? I'm scared!?

I come closer to who it is. Wow, I barely have a boyfriend or anything......! Who is it, who is it? Oh, I'm sorry! I'll let you use it. Hey!

Forgive me if I can afford something later!

"Or, Kamiyashi..."

"Oh, is that Kamiyashi samurai (Tatsuhito) senior?"

Yes, it is. I've never known your full name before.

Not really. Sorry, Kamiyashi-kun! Because Mr. Janderemery is coming to you......

"Wow, I sold it"

"Well, if it's to get away with it, there's no choice."

'Cause there's only one way to sell it!?

But what should I do? You're dating Kamiyashi on your own. How super annoying. Well, let's go apologize at school.

Tiamo was logged out.

... live strong, Kamiyashi.

No, maybe it's my fault, and Hanaya-san, you know your house?

Oh, that girl is seriously scared and she must be able to afford to identify the house or something...... Yeah, I'm really sorry, Kamiyashi. I'll pick up your bones. Probably.