Another Arcadia Online

Wangdu Sewer ②

I was cleaning up garbage with Lucifer.

Ugh...... Dirty. There's something hard about it even though you know it won't get dirty because it's a game...... This sewer dirty all over the dirt. It's a sewer, so even though I can't help getting dirty, they dumped me in the garbage...

So tough.

"How dare you get so dirty..."

"Too much garbage scattering......"

We're picking it up.


And I heard voices.

Looking in that direction, there was Tiamo. He looks so sad. Did you reflect? I don't know which one, but I'd like to hope it's rolling in the right direction.

"The... I'll help!


Tiamo goes into dirty water and picks up trash.

Hmm. I was wondering if you were rolling in a good direction? I don't know...... I wonder if it would help me for now.

If it's like this, I'm nothing but annoying......

"Tiamo. You got what I said, didn't you?

"Ok...... My brother scolded me, too. So I won't stick around anymore...... Well, I didn't bother you."

They know.

I also have a reflective face, so I guess I'll forgive you.

"Fine. Apologize to you, Kamiyashi."

"I already apologized..."

Oh, that's a good trend.

Well, I'm responsible for selling you, Kamiyashi. But I'm glad you figured it out. Because I believed the roots were good...

"But if the seniors are in trouble, you can help them...? Forgive me for that. Because it doesn't change that I like seniors..."

"Fine. I can't tell you how annoying it is to get help."

It helps and isn't annoying enough to get help.

"I'm so sorry!

"Because I get it. I'm soaking in hair water..."

"It's a game, so it's okay!

You don't like games but you don't like them......

Nevertheless, has the thing of making up succeeded? Well, I don't think people will change in such a short time, but maybe they're trying to. I knew the roots were a good kid......

"Bye! I'll do my best for you, Tiamo!

"Yeah. Let's do our best"

Tiamo smiled tremendously.

Going back an hour.

Tiamo was standing up for the occasion.

"Love. You get it. That I was bothering you."


My brother Kendo plays the head of love. Behind him stood the Kamiyashi frightened.

Love leaned down.

"It's us...! Seniors!

"You bet, asshole. I heard that too, but you..."

Love hugged Kendo.

Kendo sighs like a shudder.

"You don't think too much about people. Have you thought about what you shouldn't do? This world isn't all around you."


"I'm sorry if I did something wrong. Hirose isn't that ghostly either, so if you apologize, he'll forgive you."

"... wanting. Or let him kanbayashi! Sorry!"


Kamiyashi cheeks like a light.

"I'm leaving now. Don't cry about love here either. Nah."


Love went home with Kendo.

At that moment, Kamiyashi was hit with something from behind.

"Hey, what are you making me cry about, love?

"Senior Kamiyashi was someone who would do that..."

... glory to the Divine Forest.