Another Arcadia Online

Even close friends.

I explained the situation to Tiamo.

"Yes!? Me and the seniors are switching!? Do it...... you have to do something!

This guy's definitely happy for you!

That said, I'd like to continue my quest because it's impossible unless I can cast a lifting spell, but it's going to take some time due to the loss of one. Do you want me to call you in Chile? Friends ~ ~......

Is that Chillin not here...?

"... maybe I'm replacing my friends and everything else!?

Then you're not my friend! Tiamo, my friend, no one's here!

I think I also saw some sad facts. Tiamo. You were alone...

"Tiamo. Call me Chillin"


"That's why."

Tiamo (I) explains the situation. Chillin was sighing and looking at me and me (Tiamo). No, no, no. You don't think that the magic of that tablet is going to happen like this. Normal.

"Well, I know you're switching. Why would I let you pick up garbage, too?

"Chillin, take your time. And Chillin, you don't give a shit about that!

"... it's hard not to deny"

I don't know because Chillin has long been sloppy.

Sometimes when I went to Pearl's room, I rolled on the floor with my undressed underwear and eating it... He doesn't seem to care at all.

Sometimes I go to clean up.

"Chillin, come on. Clean your own room."


"I don't clean under the bed or anything just around the console..."

"Auntie! No, no, no, no, no!

"Well, my aunt said I had to clean it, and I'd stick my hands on the controller and headgear after eating a Kenta-O key fried chicken."

"... tell him not to do it properly"

Hide it, or Chillin will find it soon. You really don't have to do anything nasty to reflect. Does my aunt know that too or does something shady...... Auntie, I really don't want to do this.

I'm serious, and your mother wouldn't say that either.

"... Senior Chilean. Like you're more dependent on seniors than I am."

"Have you noticed, Tiamo?"

"It's okay because it's childhood friendly!

"It's not good. Courtesy of intimacy. You know?"

I mean, I'm helping out with my summer homework, I'm cleaning Chillin's room, and I feel like I'm just helping out better.

... Thinking about it, I want Chillin to do something about it.

"Some things are unacceptable because they're childhood friendly."

"Tiamo. Exactly."


I guess I bullied you too much.

Chillin got squatted on the spot.

"Chile. Sorry. You shouldn't have told the truth..."

"... seniors. That's Todome."

"Miki's Stupid Aaaaaa!