Another Arcadia Online

Pearl's Birthday Gift Choice

Day two of game divergence life.

I was open to textbooks. The decision to stay away from A2O is a little dull. Because I was more free than I expected.

Nothing in particular, I'm just studying. I wonder if Pearl State is desperate to do it by now.


I turn on my smartphone.

I was here shopping with Maya.

Maya seems to be home from work and is looking a little tired. I'm sorry. It's only noon. Are you tired already?

"How about this? I think it suits Chillin."

"Right. It suits me... but Chillin is with me and fashion. I don't restrain myself like that, and I guess I won't wear Chillin even if it suits me because I value practicality over appearance"


Now we're choosing a present for Pearl State.

Actually, it's almost Pearl's birthday. May 18th is Pearl's birthday. It was Maya who invited me to choose that gift.

"Then there's no point in choosing clothes. Do groceries and games make you happier"

"Yeah. Especially if it's the one you use for games or something."

I've already made up my mind.

I know what I want from Pearl because I didn't tame Dada as a child. Pearl State likes maiden games. If it's a maiden game, it shows plenty of omnivorous food to do, whether it's fucking gay or divine gay or whatever. So, I'm going to give you a maiden game that's coming out today.

I might be buying Pearl State - not that. Pearl State can't buy the game without telling their parents when buying it, and there's no way they can buy it now.

Besides, I don't buy it in the mail. The Maiden Game is Pearl State that comes to buy it on its own feet. It takes time to arrive when it's for sale, he said he wasn't impressed that he was going to buy it himself or something like that.

"The one you use for the game...... Do you like this pillow?"

"Oh, that's good."

"I use this too. You're plump and comfortable sleeping, aren't you? When you do A2O, you can do it in a very relaxed state."

"Heh. Then I guess I'll buy that too"

"And I think I'm gonna lose strength and stuff because I've been asleep, and I might as well give you some training tools"

"Uh, well."

Zhuzhou is also jogging to avoid losing strength.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to be able to do it in the room as well. It's just that it's expensive when it comes to machines, so it's just training equipment.

The bad thing about VR is you lose strength...... This has also been sporadically complained about on TV. She says it's because she loses her strength because she's sleeping.

Yeah, I feel it. I feel a little out of strength and fat with that too......

"Isn't this hard?"

And Maya chose the pillow.

Birthday present for Pearl Town has been decided.