Another Arcadia Online

Helping people

One day I woke up with huge boobs......

"There's no way, Bocay!

I get up.

The current time is 2 o'clock at noon. I hear Pearl has gone home and slept a little in his spare time. No, what do you do with the scratch on your dreams? That's a dream. True dreams. I'm sure big tits will come to me someday.

... No, we have to look directly at reality. I should admit it. Even lactating...

I want to cry.

"What's wrong with a big voice up?

"Uh, oh, no, uh"

A nurse came who wasn't Mr. Makabe.

He's got big tits in his dreams. Hard to say he dreamed of me. Grr... how fucking gay is reality. Only the character makeup chest is failing.

Misunderstood that it was nothing and I get up.

Let's get you something to drink. The dream I had when I took a nap sucked too bad. Come on...... Why do I keep my breasts small......

This is probably your mother's fault, too.

My mother came home before her nap, but she was talking to someone on her way home and she dropped a bomb saying, "I grew up as an adult, but you don't only grow breasts," she said.

Why? I'm supposed to have your mother's heirloom. And I remember being told that he looked like his father and concluded that his chest looked like that too.

You're kidding.

Down in the elevator, going all the way to the front of the vending machine, I can see the little one stretching out to push the top button.

At the end of his hand was a sports drink.

I push it for you and the boy turns this way.

"Oh, could it have been different?

"Yes, no. Thank you."

The boy thanked him and went up.

I buy coffee too. I can also drink black, but I wonder if there's a lot of basic microsugar or something. I couldn't drink coffee back in the day, but when I was in high school, I realized how delicious it was.

"I want to be discharged soon."

While it was good, I decided to use the stairs to lift up the exercise. My old lady is walking up the stairs this time.

I grabbed him by the railing and walked slowly.

"Granny, are you okay? Shall we?

"Are you sure?

"That's okay. I'll bring you to your room if you like."

"Thank you. Then can you please go to room 203?

"I'll take care of it"

Is it the third floor when it comes to 203?

Bump your old lady on the dance floor on the stairs. Exactly what each person holds is heavy, but not the weight they can't hold.

Slowly up the stairs.

"You didn't use the elevator?

"I wish I was drunk when I got in the elevator. That's why I don't really want to ride."

"I see."

If you get drunk, you can't help it.

It was then.


"Are you okay...?

I stepped off my feet and nearly fell over. Balance.... My left leg is super sore, but I'll carry your old lady first.

"I'm sorry. You surprised me"

"Am I heavy?"

"No, I was just dodgy. I'll be right with you."

As for the third floor, I led him to room 203 down the street next to the kid I was playing with.

Apparently the old lady came to see how her son was in the hospital. Your son is your mother!? And I was surprised. Thank you so much and I got a thank you.

It's 5,000 yen to thank you. But I'm glad after what I've done.

I go in front of the stairs to get back upstairs where my own hospital room is. Then I saw the child standing up on the railing of the stairs.

Absolutely! That's what I thought. The unbalanced kid turned back when I ran to stop him.

I am in a hurry. but I'm not even going to make it. Jump thoughtfully and hold the child.

I fell upside down.