Another Arcadia Online

Sister/sister ①

It's the third time I've been hospitalized, and I'm a little used to it. It's very relaxing.

Or you're free if you have nothing to do. I'd rather not play the game now. It's finally stopped and I just have to see the view out the window.

Really, I'm free.

And when I think about it, some big voice sounds in the hospital room.

"Because of you I...!

"What, you do it?

It was Shimada's voice.

I'm trying to think that we're unusual because Shimada seems to be yelling at us. Mr. Shimada grabbed the woman's chest and let her go.

"You're not gonna hit me?

"... I don't feel comfortable beating you. Get out. Right in front of me."

"... Shit. I've come to pay you a visit."

And I'm leaving. And Shimada has apologized for noticing this gaze.

"That was my sister earlier. It's not a bad idea."

"... why are you fighting?"

"It's trivial. I took my... my stuff."

And I started talking.

Your sister's name is Saki Shimada. Sounds like he's a sophomore in junior high in one of the lower grades.

Shimada originally liked to take pictures in the photography department, but she said that if she lost the camera she cherished, she would have been reversed.

He also lost it was quite expensive with a glance at his penny, which he desperately hoarded. They're telling me to buy it with my own money because I won't be able to buy it with my own anymore, and my parents are a hobby.

"I'm not mad anymore. But that attitude is annoying."


"If you apologize properly, I forgive you, but there's still no sign of you apologizing."

"... you must be ashamed"


And Shimada laughs.

It's my sister's destiny to be bothered, and it can be bothered. It's each other. Even I caused a lot of inconvenience to Mizuki. No, I called too much.

I also know that he was scorned for committing suicide and being the sister of a suicide. I know that and I couldn't do anything about it. I hate myself. I hate it, too, for having a hard eye for Mitsuzu.

Mizuki was so strong about her sisters, but I know she was crying.

"Saki is probably shady. yourself. Somehow, I knew you were sweet."

"... what kind of reflection do you do?"

"I think I will..."

I don't mean that the roots are good people. But my voice was shaking a little. Did you think you were scared, or were you prepared to get mad at me? I guess one of them...... But I'm not a bad kid.

"But you're my sister, so trust me."

"... right. Saki, let's believe it."

"You'd better. I'm tired of wondering."

When I fell asleep in bed, Saki came in again. I have some kind of paper bag in my hand. And when I put that paper bag next to the bed, I was about to leave without saying anything.

Mr. Shimada stops "wait" for that.

"... what the hell"

"What's this?"

"It's a camera. That, I'm sorry. What a substitute for that camera, but I bought it with a penny that I desperately hoarded with the help of my parents or something. Well, I was worried about it then, and I think I hit eight. I'm sorry."

"... nothing good. Forgive me for apologizing."

"... that, what. I'll be careful next time."

"Yeah. That's how it is"

And Shimada smiled and turned this way.

Was it pleasant? No, you must be happy.