Another Arcadia Online

Intention to kill ①

The footsteps of the guards running are getting closer and closer. Are you paralyzed? Seylane hasn't moved yet.

Goemon missed the treasure, and smashed through the window. Then Goemon jumps out the window and throws the glass fragments he had to the gatekeeper. I pierced the gatekeeper's shoulder.

"Sai Lane. How do we escape?"

"What to do...... In the meantime, the art of change"

And, when the smoke rolled up with me, it changed, or the dog was there.

A dog somewhat similar to Seylane. And I hear voices in my head.

"I'll teach you the art of change, too, so turn into an animal!

Roger that.

The announcement sounded that I had learned the art of change, and I was reluctant and transformed thinking of animals. What I have transformed is Fox, who also has yellow body hair with his mundane tail. I mean foxes.

'Okay, this state would be hard to find. We're gonna get out of here while we can.'

Copy that.

I walked out of the mansion and chased him to Goemon.

Goemon is running with a treasure. Apparently Goemon is trying to get far, though there's no one behind him already.

Fast feet, and easy to lose sight of because of the complexity going on.

"It would be nice to get this far. So, what is this treasure...?

Peek into the treasure taken by Goemon.

I was stealing something like a pot. A pot of white pottery. Goemon opens his lid and peeks in. And that's when Seylan broke in front.

"Don't peek in!


and a black hand extends from the kettle to Goemon.

Yin. Black hands enveloped Goemon, and the color of Goemon's eyes disappeared more and more. Its eyes are free of void and its expression is gone.

It's like a doll. Then, Goemon threw the pot out of his mind.

"Kuh! You're a thief's sex! I should have told you to quit trying to confirm your prey!


The black temper was out of Goemon.

Your eyes are empty. No facial expressions either. Then Goemon came out fisting at me. I say, now the kick flies. When I jump to jump, I can quickly change direction and kick it up. It hit my mind.

"Sai Lane! What's that pot!?

"This pot is a pot of intent to kill. It was a gift to that prime minister. Peek into this pot and you'll be willing to kill. I've been told that the intent to kill appears in form..."

"That means Goemon now..."

"It should be called a mass of intent to kill."

I woke up to a fluctuation of intent to kill......

Shall I say Goemon the Killer? Is there a clear intent to kill, or even after you blew it, you stubbornly chased me?

The only way to undo Goemon is to do something about this killing.