Another Arcadia Online

Accommodation for GW special gossip Dr. Hirose ①

May 1. Golden Week Day Five. This year is a ridiculous holiday of up to ten holidays. I was dressed in yukata now.

This is an inn with Hakone. I had taken advantage of a long holiday called Golden Week to travel...... not to come to sleepover. Enhanced accommodation in the basketball department for which I am in charge.

I change into a yukata while the students are running and wait for the run to end.

"Doctor, you look great in your yukata. She's cute."

"Really? Thanks. This kind of thing isn't really gala."

I don't wear many of these things. You don't usually care about fashion, do you? In my room, it's a T-shirt. Basically, they tend to emphasize ease of movement.

So, why are you wearing yukata now? I thought the students would be happy. I joked that I would wear yukata and support you because I wasn't into running and I meant it. Yeah, I'm wearing it because I can't pull it off.

"I'm sorry my boys are bothered"

"No, no, this is what high school students are like. Someone who told me he liked it in my high school days was pretty annoying. I don't know what he's doing right now."

I like it, like he didn't approach me or do anything for me. No, I don't mind.

"How was your teacher in high school?

"What do you say?

"Was it fun?

"Hmm, what do you think?"

It's like I didn't enjoy the first year. I played school trips and games in sophomore year and had fun, and I was in third grade and on the road. Desperately studying...... and I think I graduated.

I don't know if there's anything I can assure you that this was fun.

"I have memories. But I always thought it would be fun, and I was wondering if there was anything in particular that I enjoyed."

"Really? I'm going to make it."

"Right. We're the only high school students now. Don't get old if you don't enjoy yourself."

"I'm old, but my teacher is only 25."

"It sucks because I'm 25 years old."

I'm not feeling one day sooner or later. I thought I woke up in the morning. It was night and it was morning again. I feel that time passes fast.

If it's at this rate now, I'm thirty and I'm going to be an Alzheimer's and I'm scared.

"Oh, wow, here we go, Doctor..."

Everyone stood, out of breath.

I exhale, and the managers hand me a sports drink. I was drinking that feeling good.

"Tired. I have a practice game with a nearby high school after I run again tomorrow. Keep your mind tight."


"What is it?

"Are you done for today!

"Yeah. I won't do anything today. I came to Hakone because of this, so I have to give you freedom for a day or so. Just not to bother people. I'll be home as soon as I break the rules."

"" "" "" Yes "" "

The students responded generously.

You shouldn't do anything bad just because you're all over your troubles.... maybe.