Another Arcadia Online

gossip angel Uriel

Amaterasu is finally working from Tianyado.

I got that report while I was on my way to my desk. I'm going to make an election for now because I'm going to decide on an angel to be placed in Master Amateras.

First of all, I, Mikael, Gabriel and Rafael can never. It's Artena we serve.

"So what's affordable is a camel or something around there?"

I can't even put on those angels because Master Amateras is a great god, either.

I hear you're training as a doctor, but you could be Camael, or Ramiel. Hmmm...... If it's Ramiel, he's a little kid himself, so maybe he won't work in tune, and Camael's a good fit?

"I'll put on the camel. and bring this document to Kamael"


A soldier at Mikael's was to take it to Kamael's house.

Then again, this time a different person comes. It was Gabriel.

"Yes, this is the final book of one idiot. Miki called me and ordered me to dispose of it so badly that it's not that bad."

"Well, Mikael's loyalty to heaven is real, and when he's gone, he's in trouble."

Gabriel brings the final book written by Mikael.

Gabrielle manages the final statement, but I have to push Hanko for the first time. I know it's a hassle, but this is how it works, so I can't help it.

"I'll make you some tea. What do you want?

"Green Tea"


Gabrielle makes tea in the sudden.

Gabrielle, I suddenly grew up... Has the spirit grown up because it has evolved or restored its original power? You also prioritized writing books and such without work......

Angels, don't all feel grown up. Other than Mikael.

I miss you a little bit when I think about it.

"Gabrielle. Will you be an adult too suddenly..."

"What? About what?


It seems true that the cuter the child in hand is. I think it was fun and cute when it was on my hands. I don't burn my hands except for Mikael right now.

Mikael is also a Mikael and I still have occasional problems. Don't grow up too much over there.

"Yes, green tea"

Put it on my desk. Gabriel sits on the couch.

A sip of tea is just the right temperature of tea. He said it was pretty hot when I put him in and every time he burned his tongue. Is it better to make tea?

Gabrielle, you've grown too much. Is it caused by the fact that you've got the original power?

"Gabrielle has grown quite a bit too, hasn't she? I don't know, seriously getting to work."

That said, it stopped tickling.

"... hey, didn't you hide something? Maybe you're trying to make a better impression of me and hide something."

"Oh, oh! Because I remember the emergency!

"Don't run away"

I stuffed Gabriel.

You can't stand it anymore. Gabriel comes down to earth.

"I ate the chocolate pudding Mr. Uriel was looking forward to at first......!

"... what?

"You know what? The devil gave it to me."

Chocolate pudding to eat after work. Didn't you? I should've bought it, huh? What I thought. I was a little desperate then...

"Are you the cause...!

And seriously work to hide it.

"Don't be ridiculous."

"I'm sorry. Come on!

"Buy it as punishment. Oh, I'll buy you a week's worth."


Gabrielle ran and headed.

I sit in a chair. Well, whatever the reason, shall I give him credit for working seriously?