Another Arcadia Online

Angel Metatron's Despair ②

This goes all the way back to when Lucifer fell.

There was an angel who went to protest the angel chief.

"Bring Lucifer back to heaven now! Or the heavens will collapse!

"You can't do that. Lucifer made a contraindication. Exile would be natural."

"Did you make up evidence that you had no body or lid to contradict me? Don't be silly!"


Metatron was desperate to protest against the Chief Angel, but the Chief Angel didn't hear anything about it and ordered him to pinch it out. Metatron followed the Chief Angel's room.

The heavens are just collapsing now. Neither an angel named Cool, nor an angel who kicked Lucifer off and made him head angel, can use any of them. Decorative angel chief sitting in a chair for his desire for power.

Master Gabriel has left the heavens. This country hasn't been around long. Even though Lucifer's return is essential to bring it back.

"How can you not know that the chief incompetent angel...! Even though I could make it last longer to be an angel chief......!

Lucifer was supposed to be an excellent exchanger.

Metatron was preparing a lot to help Lucifer, and Lucifer was supposed to sit in the next Angel Chief chair.

"If he sits like that, the heavens are over."

Everything I've ever done for Lucifer has been in vain.

The period taken to prepare Lucifer for becoming an exchanger is over a hundred years. Even though I did heavenly law development for Lucifer and desperately worked for heavenly for my birth sister to make heavenly life easier to live in.

Everything, everything went to waste. When Lucifer was there, he had a huge smile. Angels in the heavens stopped laughing when they became angel chiefs today.

"What the hell have I been doing?"

So crushed, when I walked into the restaurant, unexpected footage was playing. This is heavenly emergency footage. It is the Chief Angel that is shown.

The chief angel looks sad and opens his mouth.

"I apologize here for Metatron taking the liberty of making the law and causing you all to suffer multiple hardships."

It was content.

Hearing that, Metatron stands on the spot blindly. Make it on your own? While changing the laws I made on my own......? The laws I made were never harsh. Instead, I made it straight. And yet, what the hell is this trick...!

"Metatron is a felon. Looks like he's still on the run. If I catch you, I'll give you the prize money."

"... what the hell is that. Oh, my God, that!

Am I a felon? Is it evil that I should be brought to justice? That would be different.

It is the Chief Angel who should be judged. It's you. It's all your fault for making it hard to live in heaven...!

And the footage broke off.

"... no more"

The chief angel regarded me as an enemy.

The heavenly realm, which I struggled to make habitable, also returned to nothing in an instant. I wonder what my struggle was. I wonder why I struggled for such a heavenly cause.

If you are incompetent up there, will you be so depraved?

"... hey, isn't that Metatron?

"Seriously? Bounty neck. Let's get him!

I hear such voices when I'm inside the restaurant.

As I rushed out of the restaurant, I had a rope in my hand whether the angel was trying to capture me as if I had been waiting.

The people, too, try to catch me for the bounty craving.

"The hard work I've been through was what...!

I'm crying.

Have I worked myself powdered for such a selfish angel...? Was all the action I had in mind of an angel and all the thought in vain...?

Thinking about it, I lost myself at once.

- I want to die.

I have no hope of living anymore.

Efforts are also denied, criminals to name a few. Reason was indispensable for my despair.

"... such heavenly shit. If it's enough to be a prize, I'll hurt myself!

I pierced my chest with an arrow that killed an angel I had previously confiscated from the devil.

"Sorry, Sandalfone. Forgive me for not raising you and dying alone......!

And he lost consciousness.