Another Arcadia Online

I don't know what the teacher shouldn't have done.

Apde dawned and tried to wear headgear to log in.

"Er, yesterday unknown, there was an attempted suicide at Pelican West High School, Pelican City, Ohm Prefecture"

... what?

Watch the news reported on TV. This is our high school. He said there was a bully asking what happened to an attempted suicide and he jumped. Apparently he just had to break his leg bone, but he was found to have been a bully. They're going in for an investigation.

"... bully"

Lay the headgear aside.

Exactly. I'm a little less motivated to hear this right now. Sometimes I get a little worried about what happened in our high school. Pearls and lichens? I wonder if it's okay.

and at that time, the door of the hospital room is opened.

"Hirose. We need to talk"

And Dr. Ito came to visit me with a serious face.

Maybe it doesn't have to be about bullying. It's all about what you ask me. I didn't know all about bullying, and I can't tell you anything.

"It's more of a consultation than a story... and I think it would be wrong for a teacher to talk to a student about this. But let me ask you something. You know about bullying, don't you?

"I just found out..."

"Well, I came to talk to Hirose about the bullying. Well, I want you to listen here in your capacity as a friend, without age or teacher student relationship."

"What does Hirose think about bullying?

I'm going to ask you a direct ball.

I guess the teacher knows I was being bullied. So you came to ask me. That's not a compliment in itself...... But I'm guessing we need to talk about experience, too.

Even teachers can't do it by hand, and I wonder if they want to build on their experiences.

"I don't think you can tolerate bullying. Whatever the reason, people shouldn't be violent."

"Right...... Right..."

"Doctor. That's not really what you're here to ask, is it?

"... right. Hirose. What do you think the teachers shouldn't have done? I've been aware of bullying for a long time, and I've been consulted by the person of the day. I also knew you said you wanted to kill yourself. Where did I go wrong...?

"... what did you say when you first held back suicide?

"Stop imitating stupid......"

... Well, I don't want to be told that.

"Then I blame you, but the first problem is that you left it until you imitated it silly. I was being consulted by the person and they stopped me from killing myself, so that's fine. Didn't you think? This kind of thing should be resolved quickly when consulted. You can't do it slowly."

Disbelief, dissatisfaction will only be solicited if we respond slowly. I just don't think the status quo will solve anything even though we talked about it.

It's too late to get out of the way.

"It would have seemed to me that if I had carried things slowly, it would have been too late. The kid who's being bullied doesn't have time. You wanted to break the nasty status quo as soon as possible, so you talked to him. You're trampling on that because you're satisfied with stopping a temporary suicide."

I find that if you can't bully me, you don't have time.

Even I wanted to get away from the status quo. Besides, I guess it was really quite a thing to say that you wanted to kill yourself.

"Mr. Ito. Are you all right, sir?

"... oh. It's okay. Um, I finally realized. What a dumb teacher you don't notice when your students tell you. Around me, too."

"... well, even teachers are human beings, and I don't have to know what it's like not to want to get involved in trouble."

"But I have to do more than take up the position of teacher. Thanks."

"No. I mean, if you want to thank me now, why don't you go home and look for the killer? No mercy, huh? I think you can drop out of school."

"... it"

"There's no mercy for the kind of guy who almost killed people indirectly."

"... so is that. Okay, thank you. I need you to talk to me. I'm going home to find the main bully."

And the teacher got up and went home.

I sighed alone. Dr. Ito doesn't want you to be a teacher like in the past. I guess that's why I said it so far.

The teacher is dependent on the student, so I think he has to work for it.

"I don't feel like playing games."

Turning off the TV and trying to sleep, now came the lichen and pearl.