Another Arcadia Online

I like animals.

I remember that time. It's not a good memory.

I accidentally looked bitter. Beech flat out apologizes again and again saying, "I'm sorry" if he found himself annoying when he saw it.

"It's not like bees are bad. I just remembered the old days, too. Shall I play with my eyes full today? See, come on?

I offered my hand.

I was treading that there was no guarantee anywhere that you would receive the hand I offered, and you wouldn't take it from me, but the anticipation is off, and I'll take my hand honestly.

Beech seemed to play with me.

"Beech. You're a novice from that level. So, even the boss goes to knock you down? Goblinking."

"I'll take care of it..."

"You can't leave it to me. Bees. Shall the bees decide for themselves?"

That's exactly what I say.

I know I have to be nice. But I don't care what you think you're going to do because you're being bullied.

I don't think it should be. I have no choice but to be passive. But this kid's probably the type who goes around badly in character. It doesn't matter because you're being bullied or anything.

"We need to play what Beech thinks because Beech is the main character's game. This is a game. Playing styles vary from person to person, so you can have fun with the bees."

"My own...?

"It's my own game that I can't even tie up from around me. What are you going to do with such a free game? Let's just be aggressive in the game. I'm going out with the bees, too."

"Well then...!

Horse-riding skills shine.

What I want to do. It meant I wanted to run on horses. I'll teach you my horseback riding skills and buy you a horse.

The bees apparently like the kind of creatures.

"Huh! The speed is amazing! Fast! I feel the wind even though it's a game!

And he was running his horse with a smile on his face.

I turned suddenly as I was running my horse.

"Mr. Miki! Awesome! It's fast!

"Right. If you look around, you'll fall."

It was then.

The bee's body twitches and falls to the ground. And it became a polygon and disappeared. Oh, you took horse slaughter damage...... Are you in the immediate death zone because you are a beginner and have two levels, and you have very little health, so you have fallen horse damage on your horseback riding skills?

I hurry back in front of the fountain square.

"And I'm dead...... I'm sorry, I was passionate..."

"Fine. But you like animals."

"Yes! I've always dreamed of touching animals! My mother's allergic to cats and dogs, so I couldn't keep her at home, so I went to the zoo alone."

"Eh, a zoo near here takes about an hour by train..."

"Haha. But I don't have that much financial resources, so I did it about once or twice a month."

Still will take quite a while, won't it?

But that's pretty rap when it comes to animal talk. I don't think he was bullied and passive. I guess I can forget when I'm crazy about what I like.

"What's your favorite animal? I like foxes."

"Uh, it's the hardest part to decide, but if you say so... is it a cat?"

"A cat. Isn't that good? Scottish or Persian."

"Three haired cats are my favorite"

Three hairs. I know.

"It could be cute with manticans and russian blue..."

And, raise the corner of your mouth and laugh.

It's simple, isn't it, this girl?