Another Arcadia Online

It's a ghost ship! Move on! ①

The next day.

I don't have anything to do, so I decided to do it with Maya this time.

Fishing...... but according to Atlantis, a former ideal town. Goblin greeted me with a soothing face.

"... bring me a human."

"I'm sorry. But since you're one of mine, I think you can trust me."

"... Hmm. I'll allow you to sit down."

And the goblins have disappeared somewhere.

At the same time, the bees logged in. Don't tell me Mayashi was surprised when Beech showed up in front of him because he logged out.

"Senior! I'm here today"

"I thought you were coming. Well, even today..."

And there was something about seeing the ocean somehow.

... Ship?

There are more ships drifting. And the ship was approaching this way. approaching with all sorts of shaking. The markings on the skeleton create a somewhat suspicious atmosphere. Pirates?

And the ship hit this island.

"... what a ship"

"Want to get in?

"Co, I'm scared...?

"Maybe he's a pirate, so he'll be fine."

We boarded the ship.

The inside of the ship is worn out, and the deck has holes by the way.

That doesn't sound like a pirate ship. No sign of people. Then why was it working? I thought, I came to an answer.

"... a ghost ship?

When I came to that conclusion, I felt like my body had solidified at once.

"Get off now!

And when I turned back the way I rode, I could only see the sea if I had already left the port.

Hiya, okay!? Can't turn back!?

"What do we do? Why don't we just explore?

"... so awesome. So, hand in hand?

"Huh? Why?"

"Well, here, I'm scared..."

Isn't a ghost ship a ghost ship?

No one's going to be on such a blurry ship, no sign of a person, and I'm pretty sure it's a ghost ship. That's why I'm scared. Because it's a ghost...

Maya held my hand when she sighed. Kind.

"And it looks so spacious...... Sounds like you shouldn't act alone..."

"Right. Shall we go together?"

Maya pulls my hand.

And then I go down the stairs quietly and slowly.

"Call me an angel or a demon."

"Oh, yeah, you are. Bye, Lucifer!"

I recalled Lucifer.

"Lord. What is it?"

"Lucifer! Stay with me because I'm scared!

"Yes, sir."

Hold Lucifer's hand.

When she was free, Marya began to walk. Fast feet!?

Lucifer flatters me. And it matched Marya's speed.

"Sounds like this was a sailor's private room. There's a bed and stuff. It's a little scattered."

Marya fishes for something she's not afraid of.

Then the blood stuck out a sticky notebook.

"Hiya, okay!?

"No noise. Hmm. This looks like a diary. Ex-piracy ship."

Why aren't you moving like that!?

I don't know if bees are scared, but they're fishing for things very slowly. Bees are used to this game too. No, I didn't.

"The date... sounds like a long time ago. Yeah, but it's stained with blood. Can't you see it anymore?"

That said, Marya dumps her notebook as a poi.

"Then let's go to a different room"

Yes, Marya came. I don't know what scares me......