Another Arcadia Online

Maya's Stunt

Maya was drawing something with a pen.

I paint quickly. Makaya said she could have watched while she was free.

"I tried to arrange Misaki in a girl comic book style"

And the painting I've shown you.

I was so good. My eyes are a little big looking like a girl comic book. It really looks like a girl comic book.

"I can illustrate it in a comic book way."

And, Maya speaks proudly. What? That's amazing.

This me that looks like a girl comic book. I'm a little jealous because I can't paint a lot. When I draw, humans become Godzillas. I don't know.

Maya said, "How do you want me to draw it?" I've been asking you, "so I ask you to do it Battle Comic Style.

"Hmmm...... like this"

Then I draw without hesitation.

And what could have been done was a diagram of me putting up a cane and saying something. Wizard? Is this how you fight magic subjects in A2O?

But wow. I feel like a lass boss.

"I painted it Demon King style"

"Something like that"

Cluttered but black painted robe. You're casting the final spell. It feels amazing.

Something cool about this, huh? I thought you didn't want to be Las Boss anymore, but I thought I'd take the Las Boss route as long as I wanted. Wrap yourself in a black robe......

I like this kind of cool.

"Now try to draw a serious illustration?

"Can I have black hair? It's only black."


Makaya looks at my face and paints it.

I wonder how it will be done. I'm so excited. Makino came to see me when I was excited to wait.

"Yay... what are you doing?

"Oh, I'm getting an illustration!


Let me see what Maya just drew.

Then Mano was leaking his "ooh" and admiration. Maya's stunt is amazing. Then he shows me if he's finished drawing.

It was very similar to whether you captured and drew my characteristics firmly. I don't know, seriously, all I can say is it's amazing.

"Wow, you're a good painter...... I'm jealous because I suck at tea."

"Me too, Mano. When I drew a human, they said," Godzilla. "

"... to the boulder. I'm not that bad though"

"Isn't it Misaki-sensational?

"Maybe. Is it because fashion is insensitive, too?

I don't think I have aesthetic taste.

It's pretty amazing and I admire doing things that I can't do that I can then illustrate. Nice. I envy you.

"It's just a mess of motor nerves, isn't it?

"... if you watch the game, you'll see"

"Can you do a buck turn or something?

"You can do that. Except for throwing small balls."

"Didn't you swing your skills all over the motor nerve?

I wonder if so.