Another Arcadia Online

Make a uniform ③

In the meantime, I got my ID, so I'll show it to the soldiers at the North Gate.

"Now, come through!

The North Gate opens slowly.

I decided to walk to where the fountain was. What is in the fountain? That's what bothers me. If you're undead, I can't help you.

Where the fountain is, there is a division on the first road...

"Is this where the split is?"

Apparently this is a labyrinth forest.

Something that will be put back at the entrance if you don't follow the right directions. Is that why you use a different route when exporting to a school city?

Well, leave the explanation.

"Take the first divide right..."

I move slowly as I look at the notes.

There was a division, so I went right, and now there were three branches. So, the next thing you know... if you can get through it, it seems to be the middle, but it seems to be the left to go to the fountain. The right says it will be returned to the entrance.

Turn your foot to the left.

And now four branches were revealed.

Second from the right... Apparently. Take the second path straight from the right. There's a side road to the left on the way in, so I'm going in there...

I still don't see the side roads. I reached two branches that I had kind of seen walking slowly watching the left side.

... Is that it?

"Back to the beginning?

Back to oscillation......?

I couldn't find a side road!? And, for now, I'll try again.

I got to where I was earlier.

Now I walked slowly watching... there was a snugly stretching beast path hidden in the bush. The grass is being knocked down, but the weeds are growing. Is there weed growing here even though this road is gravel? That's why I didn't notice. I missed it. Because I was assimilating.

I tried to take the side road.

Then a big lake appears in front of me.

Clear and clear water. It's as transparent as you can see the bottom of the lake... it feels kind of magical. I heard there was a demon here... but I don't see one like that.

Then, all of a sudden, I was thrust into the lake.


Buchan and I make a water noise and raise the water column and fall into the lake. And when I look out of the lake and check the area, there is a place that feels like nothing.

That's the enemy...... what is it? In the meantime, when I attacked him, the enemy showed up.



Apparently, a chameleon that was assimilated to the scenery around him is a crusading monster.

I was relieved that it was not undead...... but at the same time I am a little anxious. If Chameleon assimilates into the scenery, I don't see it. Look, I can't do that.

I'm not being transparent, and if you look closely, you'll know where you are... But you need to concentrate.

"... we should have brought the chillins too"

I set up a weapon.