Another Arcadia Online

Incorporation test ②

I kept sending attacks.

"You keep saying that!

and the other person offends, but what's wrong with that?

I'm just playing charming, aren't I? I don't know if it's fascinating, though, do I?

The sword is swung to the side, dodged by the jump, coming to pay the sword for that gap in the jump but twisting itself in the air to dodge it. You're good at evasive arts, aren't you?

As long as they don't crush my eyes, there's no room to evade.

But the attack speed is fast.

"You attack, too!

And I'm screaming.

I couldn't help it, so I decided to attack you. When I cast the wind magic, a small tornado broke out in the venue. The teacher gets caught up in it and crashes into the blow-up wall.

And I created a mimic sun. It's a threat, though magic can be taken away from you.

The teacher sees the sun and screams like he panicked.

"Hey, hey, what's that!?

"What, you just created the sun?

"Wouldn't you be able to create the sun!? But..."

"It's small, but it's a real sun, isn't it? Isn't that sweet?"

The sun floating in my palm.

The ground is starting to melt a little in too much heat. Speaking of which, is the sun so hot? Well, is the sun said to be 6,000 degrees?

I stopped putting my feet on the ground with flying magic because the ground melted and became lava.

"I need to show my power so I can't lick it. Hey. Do you have the courage to see this?

"No! Okay! I'm sorry! My loss!

My win.

The teacher approaches me in fear.

"... who the hell are you"

That's why I answered "God."

If it's God, it's God. I'm not wrong.

"... God, huh? God...... what?

Look at me like I'm surprised.

"Are you serving the Lord God of Life once and for all?

"Why does God need to go to school? We can't teach you anything!?


No, I'm worried about the school...

"I was just curious. Better than that, you passed the intake exam, right?

"If they show me that and I fail, I'm gonna fail."

And the teacher bows his head.

Isn't the teacher a pretty good guy?

"You pass. I misjudged my strength, too. I don't know, I didn't use my powers."

"You look weak."

Stop talking to yourself and stick around?

"Actually, it's not weak."

"Weak, isn't it?

Because I'm such a weak girl.

Because I'm a girl even if I don't have breasts! Don't mistake me for a boy, okay? If I make a mistake...... because I don't know what will happen.

"Ha... You're just lucky to be here against God. And I knew it was God. Only God can create the sun. You think you're going to lead a life with that? Rebirth to the sun god..."

And I was after the venue as I said bump. The audience also remained distracted and drunk.

Everyone was screaming fear when I looked at the audience and smiled. Does God scare you?