Another Arcadia Online

Fighting Despair ②

Heavenly Realm.

Dear Artena, Ortena, Hades to Carli and Satti in Benom. A god I know was gathered. I'm standing by with Pandora's box.

There's a hell of a lot of despair in there. Do something about this, and we'll all do something about it.

"Now open it"

"Yes, sir."

I will never open the lid of the box.

It opened up paca all the time, but nothing was going to happen. It wasn't in anything inside... but underdeveloped? God stands when he thinks so.

I wonder what's wrong. I thought, there were countless meteorites in the sky. Wow, despair.

"It looks like this country is the only one, but it's possible that we can't deal with it because of the size of this country. Spread out, O God, at once."

"" "" "" Yes, sir. "" "

God scattered all over the place.

Master Altena seems to be in charge of the vicinity of King's Capital. When we rush down to the lower realm, we're all noticing meteorites. There's an evacuation order.

Urgent Quest: Its Name Begins Despair

That's what the World Announcement sounded like.

"Knight, adventurer! Stand by outside the gate at once! A whole bunch of demons are coming this way!


At the same time as the meteorite, there seems to be a demonic revolt.

I can't fight. We needed to do something about the meteorite. So good luck to everyone else! and the dragon stands before the gate. It was aqua.

Aqua gives a big growl.

"What is this, the dragon..."

"There's no way you can win!

"Rest assured, man. I'm on your side.

Aqua goes into a huge crowd of demons.

"Hey, a demon named Crook. You can make it to the full moon to get our serious, huh?

"Ha ha! It's an emergency. Let's do it."

and the sky the sun was rising turned into a full moon night.

They'll fight Inari, too. Crook was also on his back. Wow, I feel like this combination is somehow strong.

Inari goes to a large group of demons. Looks like Crook will be dealing with me, too.


I recall Lucifer, Mikael.

"Lucifer, Mikael. Ask for the demon opponent. You can leave everything to Uriel today."

"Looks like an emergency. Yes, sir."

"Ha ha! Such an army of demons! Ten thousand... no, billions? My arms squeal!

Put up your sword. Mikael and Lucifer go into the demon, too.

Anyone who can fight at all wants a demon opponent. Then our Gilmen was bringing the heroes.

"Miki, what is it!?

"Erlu. No, you're a little desperate! Or I brought all the heroes!

"I thought it would be better if we had a little more allies!

"Help! We'll do something about the meteorite, so do something about the demon!

"I've been entrusted!

Arthur, Lancelot holds the sword and looks up to each other. And he was stuffing the demons in time at once. Coo Houlin is also single-handedly wiping out his enemies with Gayborg.

Harmeln was whistling, and Alice, Oz, was also blowing his enemies.

"Ha ha! Demons, come on. I'll destroy the earth in this mess gap. Yeah!

And an army that seemed to be the devil showed up.

Will that number exceed ten thousand? Wow, even more. thinking, how lavishly Belzebub landed on that leader.

"Go home, you vulgar demon. I'm not where you guys come from."


"Leviathan on Satan, Belphegor and Asmodeus. The Great Sin likes this world. There is no way you can destroy it if you mumble. Come. A great sin will deal with you."

"Right! I'm surprisingly comfortable living in this world! You're interrupting my life! Get ready, motherfucker!

"The food is delicious. I don't. I'll deal with you."

The devil's opponents seemed to be Asmodeus and Leviathan against Belzebub, Satan and Belphegor. They also like this world for some time.

It helps.

"Let's destroy the meteorite. First."

I have to do what I can.