Another Arcadia Online

How you feel about Mano.

I put a pet bottle on my face and smiled at the camera.

"New! Refreshing and refreshing lemon soda!

I was shooting a commercial for a new product.

Hi, I'm Mano. Sometimes I've been back to work recently, and I'm pretty full of work. Hey, popularity is hard. I can't do it without thinking about it.

I was told the shooting was over, so I open the lid on the pet bottle I was using earlier. And drank its contents.

Apparently you can have the extra portion.

"Wow, this is really good. Lemon sourness and carbonated cumbers come to my throat"

I don't usually drink carbonated drinks, but I can drink this...

Misaki looks happy too. What a thought. It was on a car driven by my mother, my manager, to move to the next scene.

"Mano, what have you been working on lately? You're so alive. Something good happened to you?

"Happy things?

"I've been working very hard for about a year now. Until then, he looked hard or something like that."

My mother said so. I am conscious.

Maybe it's because I met Misaki. If you're going to be so enthusiastic, I think Misaki's been able to do her best because she's watching.

Before I met Misaki, I thought I'd stop. Because it's hard and I couldn't make friends and I was lonely...... I abandoned my status as an actress and had Misaki for me, although I was going to live normally.

"A friend of mine made it."

"Friends. Refer me next time. I want to thank you."

"Yeah. Okay."

I smiled.

My next job was shooting variety.

I was called as a guest and took the initiative to greet the people who would have the appearance with me before the shoot to try the real deal.

Though I don't think I'm used to the variety, I think I let it cope nicely.

I went home and somehow opened the A2O bulletin board and it said something amazing.

"What... there was an emergency event yesterday!?

That bulletin board says the kings' struggle or something.

I mean, all the kings but me fought hard. Oh, my God. I was bathing in swallows then...!

I remember coming back yesterday and saying, "Game... tomorrow".

Stupid. Me. A king who's not only one participant...!

Something left me with a bluffy void.

Ugh! I wanted to join -! I wish I hadn't bathed in swallows! I can't help regretting it, but I still regret the name......

"I wanted to join...!

I pounded my pillow.