Another Arcadia Online

Maya's Wrath

... It seems that Mr. Yasube is one of those people who poked Mayashi.

I was just coming to Maya's to apologize. Even after I left, Maya seemed a little grumpy.

"Maya, are you mad?


"Which way?


I'm mad at both of them...

But I don't even know. It's hard to say that I forgive you for just doing this to Maya and apologizing. It would mean that a true Aya person was made who didn't make a obsession with such a thing.

Maya was biting her thumb. If Maya gets angry, she bites her thumb...

"If you're still sincere for coming to apologize. I'm sure Shinjo won't be here."

"Right...... I've never really been involved."

Somehow, I feel that way.

I watch it on TV once in a while, but I don't know how outspoken you are... I think you're a bad actor. Maybe it's because you're too used to Mano.

"Really... annoying"

"... unusual"

"Well, Saab's still good. Shinjo, you must be loud."


And in the evening. It was fast news.

It means that Shinjong Deep Snow and Yona Yabe were arrested for causing injuries by pushing Maya into the driveway. Shinzhuang denies the charges, and Yasube seems to admit it.

That was soon discussed in the SNS as well.

"I liked Deep Snow. Deep snow is not bad, bad is the driver who slapped Maya and Maya... some people are saying that"



Obviously, it's either bad or visible, and a very small part of those who defend it and most of them are voices of criticism. It would be natural.

Don't think you're still going to get popular for doing that. What a thought.

"That's enough. I'm just going to fix the injury quickly and try my best. I can't go back in time, so I can't help thinking about it."


"Besides, Shinjong was barely popular, and I was really someone else during that collaboration, but Shinjong wanted to do it, so he decided to do it with me. The president and I chose Hulka. Like a popular model."


"Most of all, I guess that was meant to be festive, too. You must have been in a pretty hurry because you weren't popular."

That's what happened.

Maya wasn't into the game at first, was she? If the president decides, I feel comfortable.

"There's been this, and the president must be at a press conference. The magazine will probably lose sales, too. We're not alone in what they did. It's a problem. I'm buying the president's grudge, and the president's not stupid. I don't know. I think they will. That's right, Saab's pathetic, so I'll call you."

"... Aren't you really mad at Yasube?

"I came to apologize for showing my sincerity, so I gave it back."

"I see."

You just return the sincerity you came to apologize...