Another Arcadia Online

At the salon

This apartment had a salon, which meant that all residents were available.

I'm sitting at that end of the line. There are really a lot of people in the residents here, and do you want to brag about living here or do you want to bring other people in and brag about it or have a relaxed cup of tea?

This is the only other world.

The clothes I wear, as you can see, too, were brand, and no one like me had a t-shirt. I don't even think I have these clothes to be a mom, but this is who I am, so I can't help it.

I wonder if you've come over recently, Mr. Castle Kesaki.

"Yeah, yeah. Yes, but."

"If you moved in, why aren't you here when it's common sense to come say hello to my house?

And I've attributed something to it.

I didn't know such common sense, but I just didn't say hello around. I forgot to stick around because I was too busy with loads.

I guess I should have just gone to say hello to someone downstairs or something......

"Sorry, I forgot to greet you. I'm so sorry."

"Yes, if you know what I mean. So, what floor do you live on?"

"Hey, what floor?

"I'm room 805 on the eighth floor. I'm sure it's the first floor because I'm dressed like that."

"Uh, it's room 1002 on the top floor."


But this apartment should have been so expensive to rent that the hierarchy went upstairs.

Oh, could that have tried to take a mount with it? I'm not sure what the celebrity thinks...... I want to raise a child if I have time to mount on that.

You were a little surprised to hear that I lived on the top floor, but I cough up with Cohon and throw another question at me.

"What is the pavilion owner doing? I'm the human resources manager of the Akutsu family's company..."

"Oh, I'm the driver of the president of the parent company."


"The pay is ruinous and the president's next greatest, and I still don't have that feeling. This clothing is fine. I promised to get bored."

".................. su, sorry"

"Yes, no. It's wonderful that you're working."

When it came to the head of the HR department, he looked pretty sweet.

Somehow my subordinates passed me in front of HR when I went with the last full, but when someone tells me that my daughter wants to leave early because she has a cold, then go home quickly because I'll do the job. Tell me the company has a replacement for you, but not for you at home.

Your husband seems like a kind person......

"You better not look down on others too much. I grew up looking down, and whoever I looked down on doesn't have a busy future ahead of me."

"Thank you very much for your advice..."

Left with a bump.

Hey, what the hell was that? This is the first time I've ever seen it about to be mounted like this.

So, I never thought this guy would be my friend afterwards.