Another Arcadia Online

[]/(n, vs) (1) (uk) (uk) (2

I was interrupting a full house today.

Fully dressed in red, he wears trousers with a yellow and black pattern and has a stick in his hand. And he's wearing a ghost face.

"There's a ghost coming. Look, guys, throw the beans."

I raised my voice and my children were throwing beans at me all at once.

"Oh my goodness!

"I'm frightened! Get away from me!

"Complete golden spinning energy!

Hey, who's that? Last one.

Your brother-in-law's throwing at you too... Full of beans are thrown at me and it looks painful. Then the kids throw beans at us next time.

"Fuku is ours!

"Fuku is ours!


And I'll throw it gently.

He was throwing it gently because he had a baby against me even though he was throwing it so seriously against the full. Kids are sweet.

"Wow, seriously, it hurts!

"Haha! Get out of the way!

"Sa, full. Exit here."

"Wow, a little to my heart and to my actions..."

"Come on..."

How far are you going to go with that story, brothers......

No, to the extent that I know it, I'm not sure about the details...

"Look, now you eat only the number of beans you throw in your age."

"Six for me!


"I'm seven!

The kids start eating beans.

I mouthed the beans too. I guess I should eat 29 of them. I don't eat a lot of beans, and I can eat soybeans, but it's not so much that I want to.

I like to do things cold with tofu or something.

"I'm gonna eat 37 of them, too. Spicy wow."

"Peanuts can afford to go. My parents used to do peanuts."

"I didn't do beanstalk in the first place."

My stepbrother's daughter-in-law and his stepbrother's daughter-in-law were in conversation.

Manchu is four brothers, and Manchu seems to be the youngest. You think all my brothers are married and have children? Awesome big family. They grow up in a huge family that is full and amazing.

"But when you realize this kind of thing, you eat so much that you're out of beans."

And when I say, two daughter-in-laws point to me and say, "I know! I've agreed."

"I don't even want to eat something, but when I have to, I can't stop."

"You were eating even peanuts. When the peanuts were peeled, there was a lot of rubbish coming out and I was smoking in the vacuum cleaner..."

"My son likes beans, eats numbers older than his age, and he gets nosebleeds every time... here we go again"

"Still, nosebleed."

And, six boys drain blood from their noses and call me back.

"You eat too much beans. Here, put it on."


"It's a Hokkaido dialect. Was that what you said about packing?

"Right. Because I'm from Hokkaido, I get dialects from time to time. I'm not going to tell this guy."

"I can see the dialect doesn't work. I had a hard time healing to the standard language, too. Wow."

"My father and mother were all dialects out of the farmhouse, so I'm pretty dialectic, too. I'm aware of that."

They're all bothered by the dialect. I was born here and there is no dialect.

"I bought you a Keifang roll."

"Oh, you've arrived. This year's direction..."

"Southwest, right?"

"Orientation magnet, this way."

I was using my phone's app compass to show the direction.

Your father-in-law will distribute the Keifang roll. I received it too but mine was the only salad roll. Others have raw fish in them.

"No raw fish for pregnant women, so I rolled the salad"

"Thank you for your concern"

I gratefully received it.

Speaking of which, you can't.

"Okay, look, we'll all have it."

"" "Here you go!!

and everyone starts eating silently.

I also caught a glimpse of Keifang Roll. I hope this is also a peaceful year...... That's just all I need.