Another Arcadia Online

Masaya's SNS

I was in the practice studio with my fellow models.

"Okay, I'll play some music."

And, it takes rocky music.

I dance to that rhythm. Why dance is to give it to SNS.

I, Masaya Nakamura, of course, have SNS. Not much to whine about, though.

"That's awesome and cool! How's it going!"


I have experience when I was in middle school if I dance.

I used to do break-dancing, and you're good at dancing.

I lift my body with one arm and rotate that arm axially.

I come closer to the camera to take turns with my fellow models and baton touch with a high touch.

I was a cool dancer but my model buddy Deep Haruka is a cute dance like an idol.

And when the music plugs into the end, I stand in front of the camera and dance with Haruka.

And then the music ended and the manager stopped the camera.

"Phew, I'm tired"

"Tired of intense dancing! I'll put it on the SNS!

"Go ahead..."

I receive a towel from my manager and wipe my sweat.

"And it's not uncommon for Maya to ride my invitation."

"Nothing. Because I've been lacking exercise lately"




"I'm sure you're happy. Married."

"That was a previous wedding, wasn't it? Sorry I couldn't join you!

"If you're in the middle of an overseas location, you can't help it. You were right not to come."

I'm still a little annoyed.

That woman eventually seized it from her paycheck because she was about to step down on the compensation. Then he stormed my workplace with a knife so I could use it. Damn, women are scary to make.

"I heard something about a woman breaking in?

"Yes. I don't even want to remember"

Not at all.

"I don't even want to remind you, but it snowed a lot last time."

"Deep snow? Yeah, that's him."

"I was kind of screwed. I just told you, it was so sad."

"Ma, you have no choice. What I did is what I did. I'm not going to forgive you for being apologized for, and I deserve to be modeled."

I don't have any luck with women. Weddings and models. About Haruka. What can I trust with a model?

Haruka is easy to get along with because I know there's no way to think about it in depth.

"All right, ki-ki-ki-ki-ki-ki-ki-ki-ki-ki! The next dance to be put on Mayashi's Two-Oat Tar!

"No, I..."

"It's okay! It's not just mine. It's boring! What's the song? What's Maya's favorite song?

"Oh, um, I didn't say this."

"Then monster gymnastics..."

"I don't like being childish like that"


Even if they say so. It's childish. It's not the characters who dance.

I'm not putting it through cool, but such a bright song doesn't suit me.

"Then Boca O is fine."

"Stop feeling like you have no choice."

"Then it's Hiba-O. Gorse O Rule?

"Either way."


I gave my manager my own smartphone and decided to have it recorded.

I play music and Haruka dances first. And then, entering number two, I took turns with Haruka, and I danced out.