Another Arcadia Online

The day I swore my love.

Years after the baby was born safely.

The two became junior high students. Bear a school-designated backpack and head to school.

You're growing up. I am returning to teaching and teaching physical education in a further school where I was until my parental leave.

"Phew, I'm tired. This is roughly what the program looks like... Go home."

I leave the staff room with my bag.

Something was stopping my black car when I went out of school.

"Full? You picked me up?

"No. Now I'm the driver of the Akutsu family. Anyone who wants to talk is inside."


I got inside.

There were three of them inside that were getting impressive. Mr. Menno, Mr. Akutsu and Mr. Ball Polishing River.

The activity of the three is watched on television.

"Doctor, it's been a while. I came to see you when I heard your teacher was back."

"This guy is softening up about whether he's not going to be in physical education today."

"Oh. If there is, I would have liked to mix it up."

It would be tough if Mr. Ballpolish River mixed up...

"Mr. Panko hasn't changed either. Bear or something."

'Cause that's an identity, of course.'

"Yes, Elena, I'm letting you use it, too."

"Oh, I'm glad. It's a one-handed substitute, so it's pretty lame."

It's amazing how hard it is for me.

When I was in high school, I showed you one scale, which is genius, but not so far... I was honestly impressed.

"Is everyone still doing IUO?

"The game was just about ten years ago. Besides, I have children."

"Married!? I didn't know."

Mr. Panko was married. It's certainly not strange to be married... You're 29 years old now. You can drink, you can get married.

But we're still all three young...

"Doctor, for now, thank you. That's all I wanted to tell you this time. Because I took care of you."

"Uh, you're welcome?

Mr. Akutsu has thanked me. It stinks. Besides, I only watched it for a few months when I was in freshman year and I'm not really involved...

But I'm glad.

"My marriage to Man-san seems to be going well..."

"Well, it's love love."


Full started messing with my phone because it smelled like lightning.

"The teacher should also express his gratitude to Mang. I'm looking forward to it."

"... okay"

Break up with the bakers and go home.

I stopped at the front door. And turn around.

"Full, thank you"

"Oh, come on, suddenly."

"The students impressed me. Speaking of which, I've never thanked you for living."

"Yes, it's fine. It stinks."

"I want this kind of thing in my mouth"

Thanks, love it.

If you put that word out in your mouth, you can brighten it. I like thank you more than I'm sorry, I like you more than I hate you.

"I love it. Even now."

"... so am I. I love me better."

"Thank you. Keep up the good work. Full."

"Thank you, this way. Shame on you for saying this even in a long relationship... Huh, take a bath."

You didn't want to blush your face. The whole place was locked in the bath.

I fall asleep on the couch.

I'm home.

"Just now!

"Welcome back."

Looks like the kids are back from the club, too.

The children are also growing up quickly and well. It is also thanks to the fullness that we have been raised so far.

He helped me raise a child, even if I was tired from work. I wouldn't have such a good husband all my life.

"Mother, what's for dinner tonight?

"Thought I'd go BBQ today."

"Seriously!? Meat now!? We did it. Aah!

"I smell it ~. But meat!

"Meat is justice!

"That's it!

The kids are fine...

"See full. I'm gonna go BBQ."

"... ok"

Full comes out of the bathroom. She wasn't in the bath. She came out with her clothes on.

My daughters laugh when they see it.

"Dad, why isn't my hair wet? Oops."

"Had a half bath. Look, you're going."

"I'll drive. I can't drink. You drink a lot."

"That'll help."

I pick up the car keys and head to the parking lot.

"And today's the anniversary of what you call BBQ?

"It's not even our anniversary, is it? Oh, what anniversary?

"Um, the day you swore love?


"Full, dirty"

"Wow, sorry."

The full face turned red and turned that way.

We will be able to remain fond of each other for the rest of our lives. Because it's a couple.

I gripped the steering wheel with exasperation.

It's over.