Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

Prologue, you need to be ready to go to different worlds.

"Well, next aid, though. I want to have storage."

"Is storage different from an item box?

(After all, is it hard to pass on just storage? Because Iolus can read memories and thoughts. If I imagine what it's like, will you understand? It would be great if you could make it multi-layered in a folder configuration that feels like web storage and organize it using search features and drag and drop. And I want to make sure that time doesn't go by when I put things in the item boxes that are commonly found in other worlds, so that I can get warm and cold things out at any time. You just want an idea because you might get in and out incorrectly when you can just do it with the image)

"Hey, hey. Jinji."

(Still, the protagonists of the novel are using storage well, aren't they? If I were you, I'd say, "I'm hungry. I want to drink soup 'and I think I'm going to spill it with hot soup out. The shape is a cloth bag, after all? Iolus said it was an item box, but what's it like to have an item box in the Saphiria world? How long will you be in there? Can you get a big one in there? Does anyone have an item box? If you can hold it as the storage I imagine, if it's the same type, I'd like to have 99 pieces in bulk. Other......)

"S, stop! Wait, Mr. Tsuji! You talk too much at once!

Iolus starts explaining the item box at Saphiria when he stops in a hurry to think about it.

-Item boxes are magic items held by adventurers and merchants

-In and out of items must be keywords, and it must be clear that they belong to the person

-In and out is only allowed in person

…… It's going to be like this. "

"I see. Okay, I get the item box, but can you make it the storage I imagined?

"What do you think?" Can you do that? 'and Iorus, who thought for a while tilting his little nipple, nodded forcefully and returned the answer.

"Okay! It will be a pretty cheap item box but let's just say good! But you can't let the creature in. I'll make sure the raw meat gets in."

"Why raw meat?

"Don't you want to do BBQ or something!

"You don't..."

"I'm sure it'll help."

"Well, sure. Then please feel the same novel I always read."

"They gave me a zackly explanation! I'm saying something pretty hard! Mr. Jiuji. I'm the god of Saphiria, so I can do it! Do you know the area!

I start thinking about my next aid while I laugh bitterly at Iolus, who has a big chest up and a Doya face.

"By the way, what is Saphiria's currency like?

Iolus answers the vaguely questioned question: "Will there be gold coins or something?"

"Right. It feels like gold coins, silver coins, copper coins, and bitches, as you can imagine. It will be 1 copper coin for 100 bitches and 1 silver coin for 100 copper coins. Think of it as a decimal law from silver coins. By the way, prices are generally low, except for demon props. Super bargain! Massive gold coins are too heavy to carry, so we'll replace them with gems."

"Is it okay to switch to gems? You can't trust me because I don't know what it's worth, can you?

At the time, if she wanted a gem and gave it to me, I'd say, "Huh? So small? Besides, I'm not even gonna be your girlfriend? I'll take what I can get, though. 'For Jiji, who has a past where he was told, gems are a reminder of desperate trauma, and I had to be sceptical about their value.

"Yeah. Yeah. I get it. Mr. Chuji, if you have a traumatic past that you can't talk about in a teardrop, you'll be disgusted with gems!

"Don't put it in your mouth even if you read your mind. Don't make choices about old wounds."

Iolus rushes to follow up on the two depressed to see.

"It's okay! It's good news for Jiji, who can only have such skeptical eyes! Don't worry, Saphiria has an appraiser in her guild. The guild will be responsible for converting the price offered by the appraiser into currency. I feel like 100 pieces of gold and one jewel. The size of the gem changes the value, but think of it as 100 pieces of gold."

"Don't treat people like sorry people. Then as a third aid, put enough money in storage that you don't have to work for the moment."

"Huh? Neat the start of a different world life... I mean, don't want to work..."

"You can't do that! Let's get this over with!

When I put a scratch in Iolus, I started explaining why I wanted gold coins.

"You can't just be thrown into another world all of a sudden without a sentence, can you? I want time to decide what to do in Saphiria, and I don't care if it's not money to play and live, so I want the cost of living in my place."

"What about the amount? Storage doesn't bother you with the quantity, does it? Like ten sets of gold coins x 99?

"That's okay. I don't have a problem with money. Well, just like that, put some gold or silver in it."

"I'm adding silver coins, trivially."

"Let it go. When shopping in the market, they might have trouble if they suddenly put out gold coins, right?

He answered Iolus, gennally, putting the cha-cha in.