Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

54 Stories One comma at the Mansion - The maid adores you -

"Huh? Do they really work as maids?

With a Kyotong face, Jiji made a confirmation overlooking Uncle Euhan. Uncle Euhan began to explain to Euhan that when he saw him like that, he pretended to snort heavily with laughter.

"Yes, because I gave you the mansion, it would be rough in a man's life alone. Without something to protect the house, it could be a garbage mansion. You'd better have a little more awareness that Lyoge is an important person for this city. So I couldn't help but prepare Karena, Melta and Sieve as maids. Karena also serves as the guard captain and plans to have the guard unit run on a regular patrol. As a maid of honor, Melta mainly maintains the mansion, prepares meals and handles visitors, and Sieve gets chores as an apprentice maid in general."

Marco looked at Elena with a grudge on her face and complained.

"Give me a break, Princess Elena. I'm sorry we got mad at you for doing this. Look, George, Princess Elena will collect it. Only six people here saw the princess as a maid. Never tell anyone. When I hear the princess said 'Master' to Lyoge in maid clothes, the king will come to attack the city of Drugle. It's a terrible problem."

"As far as I'm concerned, I enjoyed it, and I don't mind Master Lyoge's maid of honor. I want to wear made-up clothes again."

"Please, please don't do this anymore," Marco and Euhan, returned with a full grin from Elena, were making a serious favor. Upon hearing that she wanted to wear Elena's maid clothes, Jiji was happy to make a suggestion to Elena.

"Bye, Princess Elena. Why don't you get a job with me for 5,000 gold coins?

"You've decided no! You're going to make the Royal Family and the Stokeman a total war!


"It's our family name! Now that you're a knight of honor, remember the name of your master! And don't make Princess Elena look so full."

Uncle Euhan was turning his thoughts around as he overheard Marco and Koji begin to hang as usual.

- I totally got behind it when it came to the minute I called Princess Elena to the city of Drugle, but Lyoge saved it brilliantly. Even though there are bull stampedes going on about ”Cave of Trials," there are zero dead people, and the bulls are also being crusaded by Lyoge. Besides, I gave him the mansion and prepared Karena and Melta as maids to reduce the reason for Lyoge to leave the city of Drügle. Now it would be perfect if George managed to build his place in the college--

When he turned his gaze to Futoji, Futoji looked at Euhan jizzily. Peeping seriously worthy instead of the usual sense of joke, Euhan was anxious to see if his mind had been read, but before he could tidy up his feelings, Euhan returned to his usual face to talk to him.

"Thank you very much, Uncle Euhan! We are grateful for sending three maids as well as the mansion. And they're all beautiful girls! Lyoge Uchino will follow Uncle Euham for the rest of his life!

"Ah, ah. I'm glad you're ready to be that happy. I'm glad to be on this side. I'm sure the marriage will be a story ahead because Lyoge is still a minor, but it would help if you could raise your title in this country and marry all three of us."

On the surface, the conversation was going on in a soothing way, but if I saw what I saw, it also seemed like Euhan was scratching a little colder sweat, and while I knew it, it felt like Euji kept smiling and talking.

"By the way, when can Mr. Lyoge come over to this mansion?

Pretending not to notice Euhan looking at Elena as she thanked her for asking what she cared about, Jiji answered Elena.

"Right. I say this is the last day to my innkeeper, so I'm thinking of moving here tomorrow morning. I was wondering if I could go buy something tomorrow."

"What do we do?

When Melta questioned Jiji on behalf of the three people, Jiji thought for a while and stuck his hand in the leather bag took out 20 gold coins and gave them to Melta.

"Now will you buy me what I need? Besides the supplies that we live on for four people, you can also get me out of there about what we think we need and what it costs to take over. By the way, what am I supposed to do with my salary? I'm hiring my own maid for the first time, so I don't know how much money I should give a month."

"Right. As I was saying, when I got five gold coins, I was like," How much are you going to get? "'Wouldn't it be okay with a regular maid's salary because she's going to be pissed? Me and Karenarien will have five silver coins and an apprenticeship sheave will have one silver coin."

"Is that the kind of money you want?

Melta asked Melta, bewildered by the cheap sheave in circles that the amount of salary Melta answered was cheaper than she thought.

"I think I still get too much of this. Five pieces of silver coins are inherently common to us with little experience in maids, and the sieve of apprenticeship is just amazing to get paid. Hey, Sieve."

"Yes, that's right. Mr. Lyoge, I'm glad Master Lyoge was your generous husband who wasn't. We really appreciate you hiring us."

Karenarien said, "Yes, yes. It's cheaper than the guild reception, but it's big to come with clothing and lodging," he nodded, "and listening to the story in detail, basically, it was common sense for apprentices to work unpaid instead of giving clothing and lodging.