Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

62 Stories Apply for Marriage Again - You Surely Have a Hot Stage -

"Hey, Master Lyoge!! What do you mean!!

He hid behind Sieve when he flaunted Merta, looming in the shape of a ghost, with a grasping Merta in a quicker move than any previous battle. Though Sieve was about to faint with a bright blue face when she saw Melta's impatient expression up close.

"What do you mean? Why are you so angry? Mr. Merta."

"Why? Why would they ask? Earlier, Karena kept telling me that she had signed up for marriage with a very happy face and voice. What are you going to do with this lame feeling of mine! Can you take responsibility and get me to sign up for marriage, too?

"Okay. Let's go to the jewelry store now."

I had too much clam and I said, "Want to go get some tea?" You don't have to go? "he said, looking strangely at Melta, hardened by the way he spoke. asked."

"Of course! Of course I'm coming! But is that okay?

"Huh? You don't like it?

"There's no reason not to like it! Of course I'm glad. But I said, it's weird that I ask this, but I think it's that easy to decide..."

With a voice that gradually disappeared, Melta's back shrunk to the point where the momentum earlier seemed to have gone, her eyes swimming with no voice, no momentum, no confidence. Like Sieve was about to pass out recovering and stroking Melta's back, "Are you okay?" He thought as he watched him speak up.

- Here it comes! This is temple, isn't it? He was the protagonist of the blunt system when Karenarien, but now he's coming from the other side. You're doing everything in your power to show your favor, so I don't have a problem signing up for marriage. In the case of Melta, like the male protagonist, he said, "Follow me! ♪ Feel like I'm goin 'goin' goin '! ♪ -

"Mr. Karenarien fell in love at first sight when we first met in the city of Drügle. Melta, who I met the next day at the guild, thought it was nice, too. I also learned a great reputation for being the guild's two billboard daughter. And I felt destined when you came to this house as a maid of honor. Wouldn't that be the reason? Besides, the smile you're not laughing at when you're interacting with Mr. Karenarien is something that must be for me."

Xuji told Melta firmly in words to separate words from words as she stared at her face. I was going gooey, but at the end of the day, I got embarrassed as I passed on the word. But Melta seemed to have a good feeling and she nodded happily and many times with tears in her eyes.


He looked at the two with a face that seemed envious to Sieve when he looked at the one who spoke. Melta was turning bright red now that she realized that she had been listening to everything she had ever talked about. When he saw Melta like that with love, he spoke to Sieve in a casual way.

"You want Sieve to sign up for marriage, too?

It sounded like a childish way to ask, but it worked great for Sieve, and she said, "I don't know!" and turned that way.

"Sorry, sorry. Sieve is just a kid, so if you like me when you grow up, get married! Can you give Sheave a break today because I'll buy you something to thank for everyday, too?

"Already! Treat me like a child. But I forgive you for sparing Mr. Merta today. Of course, buy something for me."

He took them to the jewellery store, laughing and understanding Sheave's success in inflating his cheeks and still claiming his share.


"Welcome, Master Lyoge. What have you done today? Is the ring not doing well to Master Karenarien, whom I gave you the other day? Then we'll fix it as soon as possible."

When I entered the jewelry store, yesterday the manager approached me with a smiling smile. (12) He told Melta that he would also sign up for the marriage and that Sieve would give him some jewellery, and asked him to take out a few jewellery items, mainly magic items, just like he did in Karenarien.

"What about this one, etc.? It can be said that Merta is in an environment where fatigue tends to accumulate because she is usually made a maid at the reception of the guild and at Mr. Lyoge's mansion. This magic kit has a bigger automatic healing of health and magic than usual and will help reduce fatigue. Master Sieve hasn't grown up yet, so how about a muscle boosting bracelet or something? If you place the Demon Stone on this bracelet, chanting the keyword in an emergency will also grant you 3 minutes of increased speed. The demon stone that you grant will be fine as long as the mushroom is haunted."

Confirmation of the amount was made when the store manager thanked him in his heart for his "usual special abilities thank you" without pursuing as to why he knew the two names, ages or professions.

"How many times do you get both?

"We will give you a little discount if you can buy both. 300 gold coins for automatic health and magic recovery and fatigue reduction rings and 50 gold coins for muscle boosting bracelets, please for a total of 350 gold coins. We have truncated the fraction."

It's cheaper than before.

The manager bowed his head and answered the question, looking at Melta and Sieve with regret, saying, "Adventure-only jewelry can be expensive."