Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

74 Stories New Weapon - It's Good For Everyday Use -

"Hey! Lyoge! I bought some good demon meat, why don't you buy it?

"Then deliver it to the Mansion. I'll pay you now."

"Hey! I've made some new treats over here. I made reference to the“ Seike ”that George taught me before. If there's no“ soy sauce, "it's just salty!

"Huh? Did you do it? Of course I'll buy it. As many as you can have! Divide the bags into two pieces and deliver one bag to the Mansion!

"Lyoge! When's the next party!

"I don't do it every time! Tell someone else!

"Nobody's as generous as you!

Cozimo-Lundin contacted me through Sieve, and Jiji was on his way to the weapons store. Since he has become the most famous person in the city of Drügle in the past month or so, he arrived at the weapons store about an hour later than the promised time, as he heard from merchants, cooks as well as the general public just walking down the road.

"Sorry! I'm late. Mr. Cozimo, are you not angry?

"There's no way your father would be mad at you for that! … it is. But Master George should remember to keep his time."

He was guided to Cojimo's place, taking note of Sieve, who was still unfamiliar with the use of salutations.

"I'm sorry. I'll be careful next time. Oh! Yes, I bought it because I found some delicious treats along the way. Eat it later for the whole family. Of course there's room for the mansion."

"Wow! Thanks. Can I eat in your mansion to eat here?

Xueji replied with a smile to Sieve, who had asked slightly worried about the guilt of being the only one cheating.

"Instead, don't tell me you're late or wasted."

It was Sieve who said "I can't help it" to a smiling suggestion from Xuji but was happy to be acquired.


"I'm sorry I'm late. I just got word from Sieve that the weapon was ready."

I called in "Drugle Heroes," so I'll wait as long as I can. And thanks for the souvenir. "

"I can call you from all over if you're walking barefaced. I'll be back in disguise next. Don't worry about souvenirs. Eat."

"By the way, is Sieve all right? As a parent, you care. He said, 'Because you're doing it right!' I'm saying, though."

"Sieve is trying her best, even though Mr. Melta is mad at her. Because Melta also said 'good muscle'"

While responding to Cozymo's questions as a parent, Cozymo's eyes were nailed to the weapon Cozymo had.

"Mr. Cozimo, is that an example weapon?

"Yeah, I'm still in the prototype phase, so I think there's still room for improvement, but it's not a problem as a weapon strength. Will you take it and see?"

Kuji received a weapon from Kojimo and pulled it out of his sheath and looked closely at it. The weapon itself was about the size of a long sword, a sword in a bad way but without any appearance of change.

"Can you unhook the patterned part?"

It just looked like a normal sword, and the puzzling twilight was prompted by Corgimo to unhook the patterned part and the patterned part separated to reveal an L-shaped cylinder 30 cm long.

"What's this, Mr. Cozimo?

"That's what makes it an activator. Simply put, it's the equivalent of a wand used by a wizard. But that's not all, because it doesn't taste good."

"Come this way," he smiled and was led to the backyard, where the sword was wide enough to wield, and Cojimo's story was that it was used to see the strength and balance of the weapon he had made.

"I'm usually an activator, but other than that, can you see it's cylindrical? If you put a little demon stone in there and then you can gently magic it, you can strike it out."

"Huh? You mean a preemptive gun?

"I don't know what Mr. Lyoji said, but it was already there in Nihon, where Mr. Lyoji lived."

Jiji followed up hastily against Cojimo, who spoke in a heartfelt dismay.

"No, I'm not! Mr. Cozimo, I was just surprised to see it in the literature of my country a long time ago, because I've never seen the real thing."

"If that's the case, I can't help but be surprised. And Nihon and I are a great country. Because what I was thinking already exists."

- I'll keep my mouth shut about revolvers and rifles and stuff. The world over there is amazing, in many ways. It's no exaggeration to say that you were born in Japan and you have no doubles in the other worlds.

"I've only seen it in the literature, too, so there's an amazing Mr. Cozimo who can imagine it from scratch! Hey, can I try it, too?

When he removed the mushroom's haunted demon stone from storage, he packed it into the tip of the cylinder and pointed it to the tip prepared by the cozy mo. The target size was about 60 cm in diameter, and the thickness was about 15 cm. When the target was set toward the target, the magic flushed gently. When I wondered if there was a light noise, there was a small hole in the target, and Jiji checked the back, and it was piercing and plunging into the tree that was standing.

"Oh! You're quite powerful. Maybe I can use it when I want to change the war scene in a battle against demons. Besides, it looks like it could be used as a rifle, so it's good for knocking down demon skins and areas without damaging them."

When he reattached the L-shaped cylinder to the sword and hung the hook, he began to confirm his performance as a sword. Corgimo tried to see if there were any problems with the balance of the sword, but he was seen in a sword dance-like motion carried out by Jieji and ended up not checking.

"Sorry, George. I couldn't confirm your sword dance. [M] I'd like to ask you one more time, but are you okay?

"Huh? You mean check again? It's okay, 'cause I'm not that tired."

"Thank you. Then can you give me some attribute and give me a bare hand? You may not know the difference because the sword you normally use is the" Mithrill Sword, "but I think this sword is easier to attribute because it allows magic to flow through the cylinder area."

When I heard about Corgimo, and I was able to use magic to grant the [Thunder] attribute, the "Mithrill Sword” image was strong, but this sword could easily be granted with the "Flush" image.

"Mr. Cozimo! This sword is amazing! It's easy to attribute. Can I compare you to my” Mithrill Sword ”?

"Huh?" The Mithrill Sword ”is a national treasure! I don't know if that's too much."

The fact that he was admired even though he was slightly distracted by the excitement of the two was sufficient to satisfy him as an arms dealer, and Corgimo seemed to have lined up with his predecessor's father.


"Master Lyoge, take a seat!

"Huh? Why?

"I would have wasted it again!

"And you didn't, did you?

"So why was a treat brought to the Mansion that I had never seen as fancy demonic meat?


"I have also heard the circumstances from Sieve. Being late for a rendezvous is beyond nobility."

"Sieve! You betrayed me!

"Sorry, I can't hide anything from Mr. Melta, I can't defy him."

"That's why Sheave was sitting right there, too."

"It's a two-hour course for both of us!

"" Yeah!