Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

102 Stories Arriving in Wangdu 2 - It's Fun to Disturb in the Streets -

"Hey, what's up?

A crowd was starting to gather around the carriage so much that Jiji, who was thinking about what dish to use while watching the water candy, shrugged. It seems that Karenarien, Melta and the clerks who went to buy them out were shopping while saying to the stall owner, "If you buy a delicious dish, you will get a prize," because the people who can leave the store number came to sell them directly to Jiji.

"Brother! This meat is a” giant horned cow ”meat. You can't eat inside around here. How about one!

"Then it's refreshing and delicious to cook this” mushroom haunt "dried salt!

"How about the liigo fruit over here because eating all the meat makes you sick?

Karenarien, Melta has apologized as she handed the dish in both hands to Jiji.

"Excuse me, Master Lyoge. More commotion than I thought."

"We had fun too, so it seemed too much."

Although he returned "I hope it was fun," he thought, "What's wrong with it?" looking at the shopkeepers who are stating that they are selling well.

- If you just want to buy it, you can store it in storage, so nothing. You can buy it all, but these people are coming on the battle, right? Then you have to decide which one is the best -

When I closed my eyes and came up with a serious victory and loss story that I should not have dared to buy all of, the selling voice of the store owners became smaller and smaller, and I quietly waited for the reply of the two. As if he had anticipated such a timing, he opened his eyes and began to make suggestions.

"All right! Let's have a popular vote then! My stomach is filling with boulders, so I can't appreciate it fairly. I'm going to have some colored wood pieces and boxes, so I want you to put the same number of pieces in the crate as you bought. If one person asks for one, it feels like putting one piece of wood in the crate. You usually do business in the King's City, don't you? Then the period is today only, and I want you to bring a crate to the guild by tomorrow morning. Do you have any questions?

"I haven't heard your name so I don't know what to do with taking a crate to my guild"

"Oh, right. My name is George Uchino. He's a knight serving Uncle Euhan in the city of Drugle."

"Huh? Are you a” Drugle Hero ”?

Not only did the shopkeeper around when one of the shopkeepers shrugged, but there was also a tweak from those who were coming to see the disturbance. Xuji looked around strangely and realized that all the questions had come to mind, the curious gaze, etc. were right for him.

"Huh? Why are you getting all this weird attention?

The store owner's representative began to explain in a vigorous manner to the two squeaks.

"Isn't that obvious! The story of the” hero of Drugull ”who crusaded the cowman has been passed on to the King's capital! It's just that" Druggle's Hero ”is over 2m tall, and he takes on a big sword with more than his back length and turns the cowman into two, and when he sees someone he doesn't like in the city, he shoots magic in a row, and he hears that two fiancées have at least 10 mistresses, which is totally different, and I'm sorry, but he's a minor child. Well, I'm surprised!

"I've never seen him like that! And who is it? The one who spread the proper rumor! You're getting more mistresses than you heard when Drugle cheered! I don't have a mistress! Because I'm still a minor!

"Are you going to have a mistress when you grow up with your current statement?

Confirmation came in with a frozen gaze and a low voice so that the noise around him stopped in an instant from Karenarien at the same time as Koji screamed as he penetrated into the contents of the incorrect explanation. As he shook his shoulders and turned slowly towards Karenarien, Melta approached him with an equally frozen gaze and a full smile.

"No, no! You can't have a mistress! I've got two great fiancées!

"Shall we take a moment to talk about the area in the Expansion Room? Sounds like it's soundproof."

Scratching a sloppy sweat, Kuji retreated and said, "Ah! Yes! We need to get ready to vote on the popularity of the dish," he said, taking the tree out of storage and starting processing it. Karenarien and Melta began to help even as they laughed bitterly at Koji, who began such an obvious delusion.

"Dear George, isn't there someone who would be wrongful in this way? We're not going to put a confirmer on it."

The work of the two men was completed in about 30 minutes, including the processing of wood pieces, but a civilian who noticed that he could be wronged because there was no confirmer asked the question.

"I hung the magic so that I could see the injustice. Besides, it's good for both of us. I'll give the winner the prize money, but I won't go to a” shop that does that "again. It's just a game, so let's have some fun."

About a few people's expressions moved to say that they had used magic from Jie Er, but when eight stores, who had agreed to vote popularly because they had nothing against it, received a piece of wood and a crate containing Jie Er's signature and the name of the store, they went back to their store and started selling the food.

Those who were listening to the exchanges between the two of them returned to their line and began to talk to the surrounding area about the popular vote and the fact that the "hero of Druggle” was coming to the Wang capital, which became rumours and spared no time, usually with long waiting times and brawl disturbances, but not a single incident occurred this year. It is a different story that there was an act of a security officer tilting his neck who did not know why.


"Are you sure in Lyoge Uchino!

Suddenly, when I saw those who were called out, there was a gatekeeper who was stopped trying to get through the castle gate with Harold's carriage.

"No, sir."

When I glanced at the gatekeeper and denied it, I started eating the food I bought at the street. The gatekeeper, who was slightly denied by the second, glanced at him as he raised his blues, looking at the three soldiers he had withheld behind him and sieging him, he said again, "You're sure in Lyoge! He came to confirm."