Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

104 Stories Arriving in the King's Capital 4 - You've Got a Settlement on the Battle -

"Oh, my sword!

The gatekeeper couldn't catch up with the fact that there was no sword in front of him, and he was stunned, looking at only the pattern and the scythe. As he approached the gatekeeper one by one with a smile on his face, the gatekeeper looked bright blue and retreated one by one, while still looking at the matter.

- Don't stick around. I don't know what to do, if it stays like this, it's going to leave its roots behind. I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm going to make sure I can enjoy myself safely in the King's Capital--

"Lightning needle” he said as he approached the gatekeeper step by step. A shining needle appeared over the head of the Xuji and stabbed him at the foot of the gatekeeper with the "GO!" hanging. When the surprised gatekeeper flew away in a big way, he went one step further and said "two pairs of lightning needles” and unleashed them again, stabbing them right near the gatekeeper's right leg and left leg.

"Hey! Don't be ridiculous!

"" Lightning Needle 4 Series ""

"Stop it!"

"" Lightning Needle 16 Series ""

"Hey, hold on..." "64 Lightning Needles in a row" "

When I received the 16th company at my feet, my bright blue face turned pale and let my legs fall and when the 64th company plundered my body, my legs were empty. Confirming that the gatekeeper's complexion was earthy from a pale face, he muttered "" Lightning Needle 256 in a row "as he approached one step at a time with no expression." Don't move, you'll die if you move, "he released.” Lightning Needle ”stabbed around the gatekeeper, but stabbed him like a cage when he stayed put without disappearing. For the first time at the time of the cage, Jiji smiled with a full face and spoke to the gatekeeper with a refreshing voice.

"You got the wrong guy to sell the fight, didn't you? I'm fine. I won't let you get hurt. Because you just don't want to remember me any more. So let's say," 512 lightning needles in a row. "

"Let's get you there. Lord Lyoge."

A voice came from behind him just before he activated the Lightning Needle. As he turned his back with a troubled look on his face, he spoke to the person he had been speaking to.

"Can you please stay out of the way? We're about to be forced into an unwarranted, emergency evacuation battle with no choice. Even though they might fight back at this moment."

"It's been confirmed which way the non is. So don't worry, there will be no punishment for you."

"I'm buying his grudge. Besides, he was forcing the accompanying soldier to fight by emphasizing that he was the second son of the baron. I have to deal with that."

"I don't have to worry about that. He just seems to have a broken heart, so let me promise you that he'll be okay with his grudges, and that the Baron won't be able to help the soldiers."

That's what they said, so Koji was able to loosen up and look at the other person. Standing in front of him was a long man wearing full body armor, carrying a large shield on his back and a long sword down his hips.

"What's your name? I suddenly have trouble with strangers telling me to 'stop'. I'd like to ask you about the soldiers."

"Well, I'm sorry about that. My name is Maximovich-Gamidov, and I am the brother of a gatekeeper who is earthy there.

He opened his eyes to a man named Maximovich-Gamidov and said, "Brother?" I asked back. Maximovici looked down close to the gatekeeper as he passed beside him, not answering the inquiry of Jiji.

"Brother, help me! They'll kill you. He rebelled against our nobility. But for a knight's sake, he turned violent on me, the second son of the baron!

"You don't seem to be injured anywhere for that? Besides, is it also evidence of his treason against the nobility?

"The proof is me! Look at this sword! We were attacked until this happened! This is the proof!

"Come on!

"But..." the gatekeeper tried to continue when he shook his body at one of Maximovich's drinks, but when he was dragged out of a cage-like spot with a "lightning needle," he grabbed his chest and hit him as hard as he wanted.

"Say it yet! This Gamidov family is dirty! Let me report this to my father. I've managed to get you a job as a gatekeeper. Put mud on my father's face, too! Sheltered clean already. From now on, even if you re-slap your sexual roots in a monastery, you're going to do it! Lord Lyoge, I'm so sorry. Let me repeat this apology at a later date."

Making sure that Maximovich's words stopped the gatekeeper from moving to be struck completely, he ordered the soldiers to "take Lord Lyoge under Lord Harrold" and took up the gatekeeper and Maximovich left.

"You did well."

"Did you get hit well?

"Yes, you didn't end up guilty of that gatekeeper. You can't pursue it any further if they say so. Ah! I forgot what's important!

All of a sudden, everyone looked surprised because Jiji screamed and looked at Jiji, and Karenarien said to the delegate, "What have you forgotten? asked."

"Somebody tell me the name of that gatekeeper! I only heard your brother's name, Maximovich-Gamidov! If he stays like this, he'll end up with Gatekeeper A, right?

"" I don't care "" I don't care "" from everyone in his serious voice.


"Dear George, by the way. How far were you going to go with that" lightning needle ”?

"Huh? I was going to go multiples of 2, so I was going to end up with 65,536 series, right?

"... please definitely stop"