Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

107 Stories One comma at dinner party - dinner party is fun -

It was time, and the two of them were led to the venue of the dinner party. There was a king sitting in the seat of the organizers, next to them were queens, princes and princesses. Supper began when he confirmed that he had taken his seat in the order of Duke, Marquis, Count, Viscount, Baron and Knight from his seat. If a man and a woman sat next to each other and Jiji knew the rules of the dinner party, he might have realized it was a Russian service. Carried one dish at a time on a large plate, each time, the butler took it apart at the side table and used plenty of high-end ingredients, seasonings, etc. as if to show the royal authority.

"That's really good. Can't you take it home with you for a souvenir?

"Please, please stop. How much does Master George have in the item box?"

"I don't even know how to be polite for a meal. I don't like the countrymen. I know you can't, but I want you to be as” graceful ”as I am. Besides, I'm keeping the lady on both sides, but what is it? I don't think you deserve it."

A man spoke to me in a tone that made a fool out of the side when he and Karenarien were having a conversation while eating food. He began to talk as if to ignore Jiji with a trick that seemed disturbing when Jiji, Karenarien and Melta turned their eyes to the man.

"You shouldn't let a flattering young woman amuse such a child. What do you say? Even a walk in the garden of the royal palace after a meal."

"Fine. Because I want to go for a walk in the garden with Master Lyoge."

"Likewise, it's careless for my fiancée to go to the garden at night with other men."

A man who had never thought he would turn down an invitation from a man had raised his blue muscle and begged him about the matter. Xuji began eating using his "courtesy 7" skills when he decided to ignore the man's gaze gorgeously without even hanging it on his teeth.

It caught my eye that a child who should have been making a fool of himself until a short while ago would start eating with perfect courtesy. He looked at me like he had been distracted for a while, but when he returned to me, he said, "I remember your face," and went back to his seat with a bright red face.


After being tangled up by a man, everything ended up with nothing in particular except that he could be stopped from both sides whenever he whined, "I want to take it home" whenever the dish came out. It was when dessert came out that the disturbance rolled in. My gaze focused on one point when I wondered if the place had been bothered.

"Master Lyoge, it's been a long time. How have you been?

It was "Elena Sandstream” who ranked eighth in succession to the throne. It was an unprecedented event for the royal family to rise from the main guest seat and, moreover, to come themselves to the knight's place.

The servants around him rushed to put the princess back in her seat, but returned to her original place with a word of "back off," which made her crying face.

"Princess Elena. My servants are pathetic. Please return to your seats."

"I'll be right back. Before that, Dear George, Karena, Merta, congratulations on your engagement. I'll give you something to celebrate later, but I thought we'd celebrate first."

"Thank you for the inordinate celebration. It's a wedding since we've grown up, so we'll do everything we can to make a happy life for both of us, without making us unhappy."

"Thank you, Elena"

"Thank you. Princess."

I replied with each of my feelings to Elena's congratulations. Though he said thank you to his best friend in such a voice that he could not be heard around about Karenarien.

"Okay, princess. We were told to celebrate, so please return to your seats."

"Actually, Master Lyoge. I need another favor."

Seeing Elena's wonderful smile, Koji had a bad feeling attacking him with all his might, but without putting it on the surface, he smiled and said, "What is it?," he asked.

"I want to eat the” pudding ”I used to get. When I told your father, I said," Well, then, why don't you make it? "

"Yep! Your father is about the king, isn't he? Bye, King. You can't make a lot of people around here, can you?

"It's okay. It's just for us. It's about 20 people."

"No, there's plenty of them."

When he heard Elena's request as Gennari turned to the kitchen.


"Are you George the” Drugle Hero ”? I hear a lot from Princess Elena. I don't know what kind of food we've never seen."

A man in his late 30s welcomed him to the kitchen. Elena told me about the "ice cream" and "pudding" made by Jiji, and about the ice cream, it was with the head chef of the Royal Palace, who created a recipe based on how to make it.

"Have you been able to reproduce ice cream? Did they even get to a place with snow?

"No, the king ordered the court magician to say" Blizzard ”on one corner of the training ground and make it out of that ice."

"Ugh! King! What are you letting the court magician do?

"The court magician seemed to enjoy it."

Isn't Elena the one who wants to eat pudding, the king? Even though I thought about it, I was going to work on it.

The pudding, created by Jiji with the chef and even using magic, was greatly admired with the royal family, and the king asked, "How about giving the title to Lyoge?" It is a different story that the ministers together wreaked havoc because they grumbled.


"After all, can't we give Lyoge the title of" Viscount Pudding "?

"No! First of all, I hate Lord Lyoge! What world has a king who gives the title with a" prick "!

"Father, Master Lyoge says there are many more kinds of things like" Kasutaidopurin, "" Kuriimuburi, "and" Pumiko, "right?

"Oh, my God! Then treat Lyoge with the title" Earl of Plin "..."

"So no!