Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

133 Story Day 2 of Class Part 2 - You're Going to Buy Tools -

"Now, hurry up, Dungeon! That doesn't make sense, does it?

"Of course it is. No matter how many college-owned" junior explorer dungeons, "the demons that come out are real. You can't dive without preparation. I'll have you shopping at a tool store in the college today. Of course, it's important to know what you bought, so buy with care."

Charlotta nodded bitterly in his cheerful voice and told him to shop when he would take him with him to a tool shop in the college.

"Doctor! What's your budget?

"Please allow up to 15 silver coins for all parties. After that, it is prohibited to take out any equipment other than your own."

"Are you a potion or a magic item?

Having communicated the budget amount to Elizabeth's question, Charlotta took further questions to continue explaining the contents of the shopping.

"Right. It is forbidden because you cannot judge your strength when you have convenient magic tools. We give you special permission to use weapons from your ancestors when it comes to equipment, but we give you permission to use them after registering more information about weapons protection equipment."

"But then you wouldn't know if you snuck up on the tools you were putting in the item box, would you?

When we all nodded to Lucia's question, Charlotta started explaining it again by putting the crystal ball out of the item box.

"Mr. Lucia's doubts are natural. This crystal sphere is a magic object called a" crystal sphere of lies "that can be distinguished by color when the owner answers a question. Shall we give it a try?" Mr. Lucia, are you a man? 'Well, the crystal sphere turned red, right? Crystal spheres turn red when you lie. Remember, we'll use this when you get back from the dungeon. "

Charlotta used the explanation and the "crystal sphere of lies" to put it into practice, and she said, "Well, now you know you can't be wrong, right?" and smiled.


"Okay, Dr. Charlotta. Then let me start shopping quickly. Mr. Lyoge!"

"Huh? What?

"It's a battle! Either we or you can have the tools you deserve to come to the dungeon!

Listening to Charlotta's explanation, Elizabeth nodded loudly, poking her finger close to Jiji, challenging the battle. I started talking out loud, pointing my palm toward him so as to block him when he tried to reply, even though he was confused, saying, "Don't tell everyone."

"I know! You want to know why you need to compete to buy tools? But what tools you will have will be an important knowledge to dive into the dungeon as an explorer. So even though we're in class, we'll check with each other by playing battles, and if there's something missing, we'll learn!

"Yes, no, I didn't. What I'm trying to say is..." Or are you afraid to take the battle? I never mind. Elizabeth-Cortrezis wouldn't run or hide, though!

On the way in, he tries to pinch his mouth and says, "Are you a coward running away?" He has provoked himself with a gaze and a smile on his face. Xuji looked at Elizabeth for a while and tried to say something, but when she shook her head and sighed, she responded, "You don't have to regret it," Elizabeth nodded happily, "You have to! You won't lose!" He took his buddies from Orlando and the party to the tool shop and went in fine. Maisica spoke as though she was in a hurry at the second glance behind Elizabeth and the others for a while.

"Hey! Lyoge, why are you so loose? Lucia and Rosa, why are you so calm? It doesn't matter how much you do in class, it's a battle with Elizabeth! If you lose, you don't know what they're gonna say!

"Well, I guess I don't have to rush that much."

"Right. I can't even feel the need to hurry."


When Maisica was surprised that she had received a reply from the three of them to tilt her neck, she pointed to one point where she was sighing.


"First you need a tent with a demon shelter, right? Huh? One gold coin? That's the only way you're gonna lose your budget!

"I think you need to recognize me as a beginner first. You need to buy knives, water bags, dried meat, bread, etc., for the number of people, right?

Orlando has advised me in a frightening mood that Elizabeth is shouting surprises at the price of the tent. Elizabeth said after seeing Orlando red-handed, "Wow, I know!" When he arrived at the place where the daily necessities were located, he gathered what he had heard from Orlando and went to the place of payment.


Elizabeth and the others were already waiting outside the store when the payment was finished. When a non-Orlando member looked surprised, he said, "Did you shop?" He called out.

"Of course I am! We don't have anything to do with dungeons! How was Mr. Lyoge?!

Elizabeth, who was called out by the second cousin, began to give out the tools she had purchased with her chest stretched out. Line up the knife, water bag, dried meat, sturdy bread, parchment paper, blade pen, and ink and say, "What do you say!" And when he lifted his chest again and looked at Jiji, he began to line up when Jiji took the same thing as Elizabeth from a bag like a napsack.

"Exactly the same thing."

"Right. How did Mr. Elizabeth buy this tool?

"Of course, I chose to inquisite one by one. I bought it in 15 silver coins designated by my teacher. How was Mr. Lyoge chosen?

The two questioned pointed to "that" and the bag stacked at the entrance to the tool store. Elizabeth looked at the high stacked bag at the fingertips of Jiji. There's a "set of tools an adventurer needs! 2 silver coins for 1 bag of summary selling price!" and underneath it was a set of tools needed to dive into the dungeon starting with a knife.

"What? Huh?

"What the Seeker needs is attention," he told Elizabeth, watching Elizabeth confused with her warm eyes.