Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

138 Stories Private Magic School 2nd Limit - You Teach Using Magic -

"Chant Discard? How? No! Can you do that in the first place? But, George, you just did, didn't you?

Rosa was whining as she panicked, Mateo and Maisica remained stubborn and rigid, and she had corrected the query with the momentum that brought her face closer when Lucia, who returned as soon as possible from her stunned expression, packed it in the second place as a delegate.

"Hey! Mr. Lyoge! Now! How did you do that? Can I even do that? Hey! Tell me! Mr. Lyoge!"

"Hey! Close! Close! Lucia, your face is close!

Xuji began to explain as he held Lucia's face in both hands as she approached him with the impetus to bump.

We talked about the process of converting magic into attributes, recognizing enemies, unleashing magic on enemies, right? The wizard is chanting the process I just said, but chanting, in the end, is only an ”aid” for shooting magic. Yesterday, Rosa shot a ”water arrow," but if you hit me, for example... you could do something like this. "

"" "" Yeah!

As stunned as the chant was to be broken, he saw the ”water ball” fixed in front of him. Xuji started talking again when he seemed happy with the same reaction.

"I found this, too, and I imagine there's a" ball of water "in front of me. Adding to the image, it feels like" water doesn't move ”and the result of using [water] attribute magic is a“ water ball ”in front of everyone. Okay? Sure, you can touch it."

I touched a terrible ”water ball” with my two words, but I was surprised that it was no different from touching the water as usual. Second, Maisica, who looked like she had flashed something, stuck her face inside a “water ball”.

"Yep! Maisica, what are you doing? Stop!"

Lucia hastily pulled Mysica away from the ”waterball”. Mysica slapped her hand as her torso got wet and said, "Fun!" She laughed a lot and was shaking around. When he turned off the ”water ball” in a bitter mix and gave it out of storage, he began to flow [wind] attribute magic toward Mycica with [fire] attribute magic out with his right hand and his left hand attached behind his right hand.

"Ugh! Warm air has come to momentum! Your hair and clothes are getting drier."

"Right? It's my composite magic” hairdryer ”. It doesn't matter if it rains the day you wash it!

"No, I'll dry it in the house, even if it rains when I was washing and drying. Because ordinary people don't use magic for that. You're the only one who's that insane."

Imagining a hairdryer toward Mysica and unleashing magic seemed to work better than I thought, and Mysica was getting a "hairdryer” as she wiped her hair with a towel to make her feel good.

Lucia told Lucia to keep her classes going when she pulled Rosa back into the real world, where she kept squeaking and squeaking with Mateo and the bumps that remained solidified, watching as if they were stunned.


"Then I ask you to consolidate the image of the attribute in order to rearrange it and do chant discards. Yesterday, you tried pouring [fire] attribute magic on the demon stone I gave you?

"I tried, but it was surprisingly difficult. I can't even shoot magic yet, but I couldn't imagine instilling [fire] attribute magic into the Stone."

In response to a query from Xuji, Lucia replied on behalf of Mateo when Maisica said, "Together!," he raised his hand. When he heard Rosa say, "It was easy," he began to explain, nodding loudly.

"Right now, Rosa said it was' easy, 'but it's natural, isn't it?' Cause she can shoot magic, right? But we all do it once, too. Try to remember."

"Ah! The attribute determination exam I did when I was in the entrance exam!

"Yes. You found out then that there were attributes of [fire] or [water]. At that time, I poured magic into the crystal sphere, and I became more aware of the [fire] attribute, and I poured magic into the magic stone."

The three men, excluding Rosa, began to instill magic in the Demon Stone. After about a minute or so, they confirmed that the [Fire] Attribute Magic had been instilled into the Demon Stone, and they continued their classes with satisfaction.


"Now that we've confirmed that all three [Fire] attribute magic is poured into the Demon Stone, let's use the wand to do" We can put magic into the wand "and" Convert magic into [Fire] attributes ”. Put up the" Mithril wand ”I gave everyone, pour out some magic and imagine the [fire] attribute."

"Um, Mr. Lyoge. My wand can't pass the magic, can it?

"Give me a loan. Huh? It's a little catchy, but it goes through fine, though?

Rosa told me that magic couldn't pass. Jiji borrowed an iron-covered ”Mithril wand” to try to pass magic. After all, it felt like it caught on, but it was able to pass the magic without any problems, and Maisica began to speak modestly against Kuji as she was tilting her neck.

"Um, Mr. Lyoge. I know you do, but iron doesn't go very well with magic. Attribution to the sword is around iron, so it still has less impact though. You can't pass magic like a wand. So it fits that Rosa says," I can't get through magic. "

"Huh? I do feel caught, but I can do it, can't I?

Maishika's explanation had a face that didn't fall on her face, but she looked raw and warm from around her, so she said to control ahead, "Because I'm amazing! He said," Let go.