Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

148 Stories A Collaborative Study with Principal Professor Reinart 3 - You'll Have Final Confirmation -

"The bat went well. We should try a few more creatures before we try them in humans, right?

"Right. Batta is small when it comes to creatures. Shall we start with the rats and turn them up a little bit?

"Right. Let's take a break before then. I'm gonna let this bat get away, so Reinart's gonna have to sort out the creatures. But can you procure creatures like that?

"That's okay. If you go to the market, there are a variety of animals and demons that you can buy there."

"Can you buy demons, too?

"Right. Green wolves, demon rabbits and mushroom haunts can also be caught alive. Mushroom haunts are on the market quite often, so I'll buy them."

"... let's stop the mushroom haunting. Can you buy a dog or a monkey more than that?

When he flew into space, he remembered that monkeys or dogs were used and checked with Reinart, but the answer came back, "You can buy dogs, but you can't have monkeys," so he decided, "Okay, let's make it a dog in the end."


Having managed to escape the captured bat to the college yard, Kuji returned to Reinart's lab to continue the meeting after a break at the tool store where he bought snacks and drinks for two.

"Become! Reinart, what are you doing!

When the two doors opened, Reinart was riding the magic formation and repeatedly transferring. Reinault began to talk excitedly with a full grin as he ran off the magic formation, gladly noticing the twilight.

"Sergeant! Did you see it? It's a success! Even humans succeeded with absolutely no problems! Now you can write and present your paper! Of course, let me write the sergeant's name as a co-researcher! Are you listening! Sergeant! What's the matter, sir? Why aren't your eyes laughing when you're smiling so much?

"Hey, Reinart." For the first time from a rat because we succeeded in bats, let's make it a little bigger animal. Ultimately, you're a dog. 'Right? What was that discussion you had with me earlier? Have you become great enough to ignore my story? Who am I? Reinart. "

When he smiled and approached Reinault, Reinault answered his question as he noticed that his eyes were not laughing.

"What, it's a sergeant!

"What's the superior's order?

"Absolutely! Sergeant! I'm afraid of my eyes! Ouch! Ouch. No, no, no, no! Sir!"

"Naturally! I'm trying to hurt. Anyone who defies the orders of his superiors needs an education!

"Sorry! I won't! I won't do it anymore, so I want you to relax the force you're trying to grab your temples and squeeze your head in! Sir!"

"From now on, when we experiment, we'll definitely follow the steps we've decided to take, okay? 'Cause it just so happens that the results were good, huh? If I do it next time, I'll give you six months to dig a hole in Trial Cave and bury it back."

"Wow, I get it! Forgive me for not doing this again."

Reinault was half crying over the words from Jiji and the grip in his temples, but from now on, he vowed to follow the steps and do the experiment.


"Ma'am, as it turned out good, no problem, can I try it too?

"The sergeant's dialogue is light. If it turned out good, nothing... no, nothing. If I was watching the magic team, I wouldn't be there or standing, and I accidentally jumped on it just a little bit, but it's okay. I've tried it about 10 times."

Reinart tried to be foolish when he felt irrational about the content questioned with a slight feeling from Jiji, but when he felt silent pressure from Jiji and shook his head in haste to deceive him, he told Jiji that he had no problem getting on the magic team.

"Okay! Well, let's give it a try"

The next moment he was shifting to a magic formation on the diagonal, shaking for a moment as the scenery blew as he jumped on the magic formation thoughtfully. Jumping off the magic formation, Jiji spoke to Reinart, satisfied that he could transfer without any problems if he jumped on the magic formation again.

"Look, as far as metastases are concerned, distance is next, right? What do we do?"

"Right. You want to grow the distance a little bit, don't you? First, I want to move people to places where they don't come, but it's hard to carry them."

"Well, I'll be in charge of verifying the distance traveled, so can I borrow it?

"Of course it is. Number one will go up to the sergeant. Please install it wherever you like. Instead, I'm going to make more and more, so please inject magic."

"Whoa, I'll take care of that. One set a day can do it fine. Because I intend to put this number one on the mansion and the other on the mansion in the garrison. If you want to use Reinalt, you can always use it."

(2) When permission was obtained from Reinart, the transfer table was stored in storage. "I'm really jealous of that item box," said Reinart, looking at the situation, sighing in envy.


"" Welcome home. Dear George, what's wrong with you? Sounds really happy, though?

"I knew you'd understand? As a matter of fact, I worked with Reinart to complete the Transition Magic Formation! It's amazing!"

The movement of Karenarien and Melta, who welcomed him, stopped with a smile in his delightful voice. Karenarien pulls Melta's sleeve and says, "Am I hearing this wrong? Did you say metamagic formation? I heard him whisper," but there was no response, and when I looked at Melta in surprise, he remained smiling and solidified.

"Hey! Melta! I don't know where you were traveling, but come back! I can't take it alone!

"Are you okay, Melta?

Melta, who returned to me with a hack to his voice, began to confirm his horror when he saw him in a frivolous motion.

"Master Lyoge? Now that you've completed the Transition Magic Formation, did you hear that?

"Yes! That's amazing!

"It was developed jointly with Chief Professor Reinart to create a metamagic team for the prototype, right?

"Huh? It's a finished product, right? Want to see it?

Upon Melta's inquiry, Xuji was happy to move out of storage. When he stepped out of the magic pedestal, he put another one away and said, "No!" and rode on the magic team with the hanging voice.

"Huh? Master Lyoge! Where?"

"Over here, over here!

Two people panicked about the sudden disappearance of Jiji on the magic formation. Jiji's voice rose from behind them. When they looked back, Jiji was on top of the other magic formation, and when they happily descended from the magic formation, they approached them and said, "How amazing!" and again, he stretched his chest.