Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

165 Stories Massive Combat in Dungeons 3 - You Had a Continuation -

Suddenly, an inorganic woman's voice echoed in the large room.

"You have completed the Massive Demon Quest, so you can try the Challenge Room. If you are going to be challenged, please just bring the gold coins or gems on the plate. However, a demon appears worthy of the amount. The maximum amount so far will be 5 Gems and 300 Gold coins for 5 Subscribers“ Amadeo-Sandstream ”Team members. Please go down the stairs if you want to accept it. If you're going to watch the game, come to the viewing table through the door next to the stairs."

"Can I ask you a question?

"Question reception mode started. Ask your questions."

An inorganic woman started explaining but seemed to understand the contents, and since nothing was explained, she replied, "Ask me a question" when she asked.

"How many participants? What's the guide to changing the strength of demons depending on the amount of money? That's the same as when your voice was in the woods, but who's with you?

"Answer your question. Up to 5 participants. The amount is 1000 pieces of gold and the dragon appears. Think of it as a sisterhood, because it was made at the same time as" The Forest of Plates. "

Isn't the end too strong for the Junior Seeker Dungeon?

"The strength will change with the amount chosen, so there is no falsehood in the name" Primary Explorer Dungeon ”. However, the creator created a special mode because that would not be enough. Do you have any other questions? Decide if you want to go to the challenge room without it."

Satisfied with the voices of the inorganic women, Xuji said, "Just give me five minutes," and began to look back together and talk.

"What do we do? I'm updating King Amadeo-Sandstream's records in another dungeon. So I figured you'd want to stick around and see" junior Explorer Dungeon ”though. As far as I'm concerned, I'm gonna go in there with about a thousand gold coins and take down the dragon, and what are we all gonna do?

"Huh? Are you going to try, Lyoge? And you're dealing with a dragon? I won't do it."

When Lucia refuses to inquire about the Second Question, Mateo, Maisica and Blue Medal Combinations have equally expressed their refusal to participate. Orlando, who watched that in silence, laughed and made a statement of participation, and the surprised group gathered their gaze at Orlando. Orlando confirmed Elizabeth's participation without any particular concern.

"I'm in. Elizabeth, what are you gonna do?

"Wow, what shall I do? Leaving that aside, is Mr. Orlando okay with being a part of this? Excuse me, Dragon, but you don't seem to have the strength to fight your opponent?

"That's really clear. But unlike Elizabeth, I can see around, and I know what I'm capable of, so I'm fine. Yes, Reggie, can I borrow the" sword of the cozimo ”you have?

In response to Elizabeth's bitter and intense reply, Orlando asked me to lend him the "sword of Corgimo”.


"Huh? Nothing, but you're really gonna be in, right? When the dragon's against me, I can't turn to support you either, so you're gonna come at your own risk, right?

"Of course. It's just that with the sword you have now, you can't fight a dragon opponent. If it was the sword I usually had, I'd be fine."

"Yes, I'll give it to you then. Does Orlando have a sword that can fight dragon opponents?

Elizabeth, who had listened with a dismal expression to the exchange between Er and Orlando, suddenly began to speak to Orlando when she returned to me.

"Hey! Mr. Orlando! What does' unlike me 'mean!

"Huh? I think it means as it is? Don't you think you deserve it? I don't care how much you say, you didn't have ears, did you? Not at a time when Elizabeth thinks she can do anything on her own, even if she's a powerful leader. From what I've seen, Elizabeth is nothing but an unknown lady."

When Elizabeth told Orlando her complaint while turning bright red in her face, a strong blow returned from Orlando. At first it was Elizabeth, who was Kyoton, but when he understood what Orlando had said, he gradually burst into tears and ran to the audience.

Seeing Elizabeth run away, Lucia and the others turned to the audience as they turned their blame eyes to Orlando. Ultimately, the only ones left in the big room were Jiji and Orlando, and Jiji spoke to Orlando when he took out the "Mithril bracelet” and put it on.

"So, what's the real meaning of the words you said to Mr. Elizabeth?

"Huh? Nothing. Elizabeth thought there was a good chance she was going to die when she joined the Dragon Crusade, so she just made me give up in stronger terms."

"Please solve the misunderstanding later. Elizabeth, I'm so sorry about the team."

"That's okay. I owe her a lot."

Now that he knew why Orlando was against Elizabeth, he laughed bitterly and went down the stairs with the gold coins on the plate.

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The stairs disappeared as soon as Jiji and Orlando descended the stairs. The challenge room was about the same size as the large room on the upper floor. The viewer's seat was about 3m high and had the appearance of being fitted with glass, and the voice inside was not heard at all if it was soundproofed.

"Oh, that sounds like an arena."

"Lyoge, have you ever seen it?

"I've seen something similar in my country," replied Orlando when he responded to his whining. When the door in the back opened the moment Orlando tried to say something, a demon like he'd never seen before appeared.

"Ooh! What's that? I've never seen it before. Have you ever seen Orlando?

"No, I've never seen it either. But I've read it in the literature. That's a two-necked dragon.

"Is it stronger than one neck dragon after all?

Waiting for the "Two Neck Dragon” roar coming out of the door to end. When the "Two Neck Dragon" talked to Orlando, the demon's name returned from Orlando, so when I started the interface and searched, I saw the "Two Neck Dragon” information.

- Two neck dragons –

It is primarily a type of dragon that inhabits the demonic continent. Only one of them throws up braces, but their agility and defense are higher than normal dragon species, making crusading difficult because they are attacking in tandem. It is said that meat is of the finest quality and a gift to the royal nobility. Crusade Rank [A]

"Hey, Orlando.“ Two neck dragon ”crusade rank, but it doesn't mean [A], does it?

"You know very well. George, I didn't think you could do it if you were weird and nervous."

"Wow! Ask the system! Why are there high ranking demons out there! If it's a thousand pieces of gold, isn't it a dragon?

An inorganic woman replied to the shouting.

"Answer the question. The amount the current player has been brought underground will be equivalent to 2,300 pieces of gold coins. So there's no problem with the two-necked dragon."

"Sorry, Mr. Lyoge. I grabbed the Demon Stone when I went down to the basement. I wanted to see the power of" Drugle's Hero ”. If you have my share in the prize you get when you win, Lyoge, I'll give it to you, will you give me a break?

Confessed with a smile by Orlando to capture the answer from an inorganic woman, Jiji ran toward the "two-necked dragon” when he doubled the [thunder] attribute to the “sword of Mithrill” when he gave up trying to say something against Orlando.