Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

189 Stories Personal Class with Nayham 4 - You'll Do the Final Finish -

"Um? Why were we called to Count Lyoge's mansion today?

"Oh, you've come a lot. I recently planned a dinner party to thank you guys for your hard work at the academy. Even though I hadn't seen him since the end of my exploration in the depths of the" Cave of Trials, "I am truly grateful that he came to the College with pleasure even though he suddenly spoke up. I want you to remember the old days and have fun eating today."

With a strange face, Reinart called to the Mansion and five members who explored the depths of the "Cave of Trials" with Jiji asked Jiji why he was suddenly called. When he explained the purpose of the plan with pleasure, he led the Reinalts to the dining room.

"Huh? I just had a weird feeling?

"That's right, you're Reinart. It's been a long time since I've had this feeling, hasn't it?

As Reinart leaned his neck towards the strange sensation, Jiji looked back and talked to him. When the other five arrived in the dining room feeling uncomfortable, they sat in their seats and waited for their words. When he confirmed that the Reinarts had sat down and told Karenarien and Melta, Sieve and the maids to bring drinks, he brought Nayham through the back door and started introducing him.

"His name is Nayham. You know Reinart as the chief professor, don't you? [White] He's the owner of the medal, and the day after tomorrow, he'll do something close to a duel with the stupid son of a stupid nobleman?

"Yeah, Dean Charlotta told me about that. I'm sorry, Mr. Nayham. We professors and lecturers would have to watch carefully to protect students like you."

Nayham, who received an apology from Reinart, said with a frightened look, "Absolutely not. It's an honor to meet you," he said, bowing his head. He watched that happen, but the moment Reinart apologized to Nayham, he stood up from his chair and said, "All rise!" And he hung the decree.


"Hey! You guys! I thought the job description was sagging! In" The Cave of Trials, "he said," This is the savior who reborn us as warriors who could only think! 'Is it a lie that you replied that you were reborn! Again, I'll slap that gut back at you! We're going into the woods and we're going to start training! Get it ready in 40 seconds! You got it!

"" "" "" "Yes! Sir!" "" ""

"Yep! Wait a minute, brother! So, what are you starting all of a sudden? I heard from my brother, 'I called Chief Professor Reinart and the professors as special instructors today, so I'm going to study each area of expertise and prepare for the duel the day after tomorrow'!

"Nayham! Not yet, you didn't... brainwash enough. No, I made a mistake. You're telling me I'm a sergeant!

"Definitely now you've said brainwashing in an attempt to call it tuning! You can't even say education again!

"Ooh! That's what I'm saying! Nayham is one step ahead of us!

"No! What are the teachers saying too! Teachers are definitely the best in college! You can call me suddenly and be angry at me for special training!

When Reinaults quickly rose out of their chairs to the sudden special training declaration of the second, they began dressing in gear suitable for exploring the woods from the item box. Nayham looked at the situation with a flashing look for a moment, but when he returned to me, he began to protest against Xuji. When I was adding more scrutiny to the answers from the two of them, the Reinalts turned their eyes to respect along with their stunned voices.


"But in the end, you're coming to the woods. By the way, where is this forest?

"Isn't that obvious, Mr. Neyham! There's no way we can talk like that!

"Why are you putting 'mr.' on me?

Reinart answered Nayham's question on behalf of him, but the voice of reprimand echoed from Jiji, who was walking in the lead.

"What is your private language during the march! Reinart and Nayham will be in charge in the next fight!

"Brother, I've never fought!

"Anyone has a" first time "! It's just early or late! Behind you, a member who explored the depths of the“ Cave of Trials "has a“ Hero of Drugull ”! I don't care. I don't do magic! Look! There's two mushroom haunts coming from the front!

When we turned our consciousness forward to the words of the two, the mushroom haunt was coming from 30 meters forward as we waved our tentacles. Nayham started his magical chant as he panicked, shooting a “firearrow” at the mushroom haunt.

"Fast! They haven't arrived! Attract more and then shoot! Again, fire arrows! That's the timing of the attack!

"Yes! Sir!" I call in a hot stream here and shoot my enemies! "Fire Arrow."! Okay! I hit it! Ah!

The first attack did not reach the mushroom haunt, and Naham, who shot the “Fire Arrow” again on the advice of Jiji, confirmed that he was stuck in the mushroom haunt so that the “Fire Arrow” could be sucked in and burned up and stopped moving, and consciousness went to defeat the demon for the first time. When I realized the other one existed, the mushroom haunt was so close that I didn't have time to chant, I could only watch my tentacles fly without having time to take a defensive stance, and I accidentally closed my eyes.

"You can't help it if it's your first fight, but you shouldn't close your eyes. Mr. Nayham should learn to shoot magic while he's down a little bit or ask for support around him."

When I accidentally opened my closed eyes, Jiji stood in front of me, preventing the mushroom's haunted tentacles with a light blue shield, and the mushroom haunt itself was defeated by a "firearrow” shortened by a chant by Reinart.

"That's right! Nayham don't forget he's a beginner! Fight hard to figure out what you can and can't do! Drink your mana potion as soon as the battle is over!

"Yes! Sir!

Nayham, who defeated the demon in his first battle, drank the mana potion as he listened to the advice of the two men with excitement.


"Tired. Shall I leave this for this special training? Nayham did a great job too! Tomorrow in the duel, show him the big dumb son of a dumb aristocrat! You guys had fun with your long training! I'm going to go back to the mansion and we're going to have a dinner party, so eat up."

"Good luck! Sir! It's been a long time since I've had that special training! Don't abandon me because I will continue to follow you! Sir!"

"There's no way I'm gonna abandon you guys! Where's the superior who abandons his men so cute! You guys are really the best!

"" "" "" "Grunt!

Naiham, who watched with exhaustion the enthusiasm of his embrace with Reinault and his professors, found it easy to duel with Yev tomorrow, if he had completed a special training course that exchanged practice over two days.


"By the way, Master Lyoge. All of a sudden, I got popped up screaming, 'It's special training,' but did you guys explain the place here?

"Huh? I didn't do anything else? Don't you know this is the" mushroom forest ”near Druggle? The maid had a sheave or something, and I think you noticed she flew in from Wang Du in the Transition Magic Formation?

"I don't think the Wang Capitals know Shiv, but I don't think they'll know until they explain the circumstances..."