Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

198 Stories What Happened in Wang Du - There's a lot going on -

The newspaper containing the article on the territory of Jiji significantly updated its historical sales record. The inhabitants of Wang Du bought newspapers for themselves instead of spending money and buying them jointly, as usual, to learn more about the monumental feat of Wang Du.

"That says a lot.“ Hero of the Drugle ”will finally be the nobleman of the territory! From the Viscount to the Earl and the Territorial Count in just three months after being earmarked! Voices of 'rather slow' also to the numerous accomplishments launched by the hero. Get more confidential information from Royal Officials H Duke!"! The only royal official you have is the Duke of Harrold! Why are you giving information to the newspaper!

"I think the Duke of Harrold would be delighted. It's a complete victory from the pope. We now have 60% of the Pope and 10% of the nobility, which is now known as the quintile."

Melta offered her tea as she read the newspaper. "You're familiar with the nobility," replied Melta, laughing as she received her tea.

"It's all information from Crowe. It's information via the Duke of Harrold, so it's highly credible."

"By the way, in total, it's only 70%, but what about the other 30%?

"You're neutral or king. Crowe, the intel says they're both favored by the pope."

Melta said, "The aristocracy is devastated. I hope it doesn't burn and make weird moves," he muttered, enjoying his tea with Melta.


"Why is this happening? Where did our influence go? After 500 years of guiding the Kingdom of Sandstream, why should we feel such a narrow shoulder!

"Nor is this since the emergent aristocrat Euhan came to belong to the Pope?

"Rather, hasn't King Marcel changed since the Lower Bitch of Lyogia was ordained?

Although not a fancy store, the 10 or so aristocrats gathered at the famous restaurant in Wangdu were drinking with disgruntled faces. Those called aristocrats would have tipped expensive wines while indulging in lavish meals where reservations were supposed to be needed.

"Until now, if you say some impossibilities, give me what I put in any store! What do you mean," We'll give priority to booking guests "? Make fun of us, too!

The current Wang Capital is busy on the subject of Jiji, the fact that the "hero of Drugul” belongs to a group called the Pope, the fact that the Pope and the aristocracy are fighting over forces, the fact that the aristocracy that belonged to the aristocracy continues to cause scandals, the fact that Princess Elena and Jiji are close to getting engaged, the fact that King Marcel would have favoured the Pope by engagement, was the subject of people living in the Wang Capital.

Whenever good rumours of the pope were circulated in the newspapers, those who had previously followed the nobility for fear of reprisals had also become visibly disobedient, overlapping the influence of the nobility and previous arrogant attitudes.

"In a place like this, our blood muscles will get dirty! What! This dish! The booze! There's nothing better!

"I'm sorry. This is the best place to be in a place like this."

One of the nobles smashed the dish to the ground and when he called the shopkeeper and yelled at him, the nobles around him also naturally began to quarrel against the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper tells the lady at the service to clean it up as she bows her head in plain sight and tries to instruct her to prepare a new dish: "Enough!" Yelling again echoed the store.

"Will you ever come to a store like this again! More, open your shop after you've done decent food and booze! We're leaving now, so call a carriage!

"Oh, you know. If you mean to go home, pay for it... hi-no."

When the shopkeeper, who heard the nobles try to return, charged a fee, one nobleman pulled out his sword and stuck it against the head of the shopkeeper and began to speak in a ruthless voice.

"Hey, are you willing to serve us this kind of unsavory liquor and food and take it all the way to the gold? Honor us for coming to this place so that we can serve at least what people can eat. Or will it be the rust of my sword? Honorable, isn't it?

"Yes, no. I don't need to pay for it. Sorry for the inconvenience."

When the shopkeeper apologized with a blue face, the nobleman left the store with the other nobles, shouting out loud, "That was a total waste of time" when he sniffed and pulled his sword. A man called out as if he had anticipated when the face of the shopkeeper, who was turning blue with fear, had turned red with anger.

"Store owner. That was tough. Do those people always work those wolves?

"No, they came suddenly and said, 'You're free!' And to the quote I ordered liquor and food from the group, 'Serve unsavory liquor and food!' And don't even pay for a rambling quote, 'he left! Who the hell are you! I don't know if you're a nobleman, but you look great!

"Is that a wretch in my first store? By the way, those guys look like aristocrats. Didn't you come here to drink some yak liquor recently because you've been involved with Count Lyoge and the Duke of Harrold digging graves and destroying yourself?

When the man began to put the newspaper out of his nostalgia and talk about the content with a frightened face, he began to explain the contents of the newspaper to the shopkeeper and the guests around him. When the man who explained his activity took a sip of ale, a round of applause arose from the shopkeepers and customers, and a conscious man shouted out loud.

"All right! I'll take today's payment! Actually, I'm the one who wrote this article! Since Count Lyoge came to King's Capital, the more newspapers we put out, the more they sell! Store owner! Can I write today's article as well!

"No, hey, that's... They might yell at you again."

"Don't worry! Don't worry, I know the Duke of Harrold! If you get harassed, I'll contact the Duke of Harrold and have him deal with it! Let us punish the nobles who are so prestigious!

The guests around him were so excited about the man's story, and as if the fighting spirit burned in the shopkeeper's eyes as well as listening to him, he sucked, "I got on with that story!" He shouted out loud.